Thanks to the Democrats, George Allen is Bigger than Ever!

It should come as no surprise to anyone, except the Democrats, that the most recent polls show Senator Allen is not weakening as a result of several racially-based hits against him, but is actually drawing strength. In fact, he enjoys a 5-point lead and now appears to be distancing himself from his opponent, Democrat Jim Webb.
Unfettered and unrestrained, Allen's foes greedily unleashed on the Virginia Senator because I'm convinced they, well, they feared him. I mean, honest to goodness, to the core and way down deep, they were threatened by him. For some time now, Democrat party strategists worried the likable senator had the credentials and qualities to make a serious run at retaining the Nation's highest office under Republican control for another four years.
So when he stumbled, they pounced.
Smelling blood in the water, the Democrats poured it on in the hopes they would finish him off. Droves of giddy partisan scalawags and energized political hacks frothing at the mouth were unyielding in their efforts to push a story that should have lost its momentum weeks ago. The evidently remorseful and repentant Senator had to answer recriminations for making what many people considered a racially-motivated slight that was caught on videotape during a campaign rally against his opponent's campaign staffer.
In spite of his repeated apologies, the regrettable statements from the junior senator of Virginia were roundly considered to have been a major setback to his Senate re-election and a mortal blow to any Presidential aspirations he may have been harboring. But it now seems the opposition may have over-satiated on the blood and made a tactical mistake in attacking him with such fierceness and ferocity hoping he would crumble and be cast into the dust heap of political could-have-beens.
Although none of the faithful defended his statements (mainly because they were indefensible), the Republican supporters instinctively sensed that Senator Allen was a good man who spoke inappropriately, but that he did not deserve the bruising over-reaction. After all, who amongst us has not stuck his foot in his mouth at one point or another?
Few were aware of Allen's resiliency before all this started, and today he is now known by the party faithful as the man who walked through the opposition's fire and survived; the man who showed admirable grace and stoicism in the face of ardent charges of racial indifference; and as the man who didn't break under adversity. These are venerable leadership qualities people! And now many are starting to notice. Another inadvertent result of the Democrat's fervent obsession with destroying Senator Allen's reputation is that his appearances on the Nation's largest television networks showing him contrite as he offers sincere apologies have provided him valuable national exposure and enviable name recognition.
In the end, the Democrat's eagerness to take advantage of a political opportunity and deal a knockout blow to a potential Republican presidential candidate caused them to overplay their hand. I submit the Democrats have affirmed yet another famous American truism, "A beggar mounted will ride his horse to death".
I submit the Democrats have affirmed yet another famous American truism, "A beggar mounted will ride his horse to death".
Deep. Very deep. That's why the macacas aren't ever going to get a ride in George Allen's Amerika?
One problem with your theory. Some of the people who are piling on are Republicans. Conservative Republicans. Remember the Weekly Standard Cover? Oh and the name Felix Macacawitz was made up by the National Review...
Here's a newspaper article of today that deals with some of the same issues that you raise:
George Allen has been on the MSM's radar for quite a while now. They realize several things about the Allen/Webb race:
1. This is about a lot more than just a Senate race.
2. Senator Allen is a Great America who has the potential to win over the nation in much the same way Ronald Reagan did.
3. Webb cannot win on his own merit. The only way to defeat Allen is to dig up as much dirt and sling as much mud as possible.
That's why this is such a big spectacle.
BTW, Sean Hannity gave an awesome speech at an Allen rally on Friday.
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"2. Senator Allen is a Great America who has the potential to win over the nation in much the same way Ronald Reagan did."
What has Allen ever done? It's true he's a good negative campaigner, but he's never had an idea, made a memorable speech (other than the junior-high lockerroom "knock their soft teeth down their whiny throats"), or stood for anything other than George Allen. Reagan was a professional actor, but Allen is just a pathetic phony. I can't say whether he's a racist or not, but I can say his excuses are pathetic. Kids in High School with confederate flags in their lapels in 1968 were George Wallace supporters and George Wallace drew support from people who wanted to keep the macacas in their place. Fine. Robert Byrd was in the Klan, but he didn't try to convince us that it was just because he was "a bit of a rebel."
I was inspired when George Allen spread rumors that Mary Sue Terry was a lesbian. That's the kind of leadership we need.
RICHMOND - The American people recoil eventually and inexorably against three
things. Being lied to, being deceived and being manipulated. The latest casualty
of all three is George Allen, the "newly-discovered" Tunisian Jew who, classically,
denounced the "messenger" who exposed his "roots," then professed that being a Jew
was simply a "religion" and, then, embraced and praised his bloodline, which has
evoked backlash against corruption, profiteering, inhumanity and, even, treason,
everywhere around the globe, throughout history. Most-offensive has been that
the Jews are "international," owing a genetically-dictated allegiance to their own
kind, respecting no borders, interests or wealth, other than their own. Since they
have always been outnumbered in their "host" countries, they have engaged in
pretenses to gormandize commerce, monopolize politics and infiltrate religion, so
that they, alone, survived and prospered. Leading to their downfall has been that
they were either ferreted out or went to such excesses as to overplay their hands.
Allen had followed the not-uncommon ploy of joining a church, becoming a "palace
guard" and professing veneration for hallowed trophies, such as the Confederate flag.
Madeleine Albright, likewise, had expressed "surprise," when she was exposed as
a Jewess, insisting that she was a "Christian," as had her counterpart, Henry Kissinger.
Feigning to be Anglo-Saxon had enabled Allen-types to wrest power away from the
descendants of the Pilgrims, pioneers and patriots with a certain aplomb. Although
billing himself as a "conservative," Allen was a strident proponent of the Paul-Wolfowitz
line that Americans must invade Iraq and Afghanistan in order to "protect" Israel, no
matter what the cost, in lives or resources. The "All-for-Israel" stance endeared
Allen to the Israeli Lobby, whose coffers, filled from profiteering and interest-gouging,
funded his political-ambitions. Benjamin Franklin had urged that Jews be banned
from America, entirely, and U.S. Grant had barred Jews from interacting with his
troops. Woodrow Wilson broke the taboo, by naming transparent Jews to office.
Initially, their great wealth, amassed by "sharp" business-practices, in concert with
their kinsmen, arriving upon being expelled from Russia and Germany, enabled Allen's
ancestors to "purchase" various offices. In return for a seat on the Supreme Court or
in Congress, they would promise to "deliver" the immigrant and minority vote, which
they and meticulously cleverly organized, to a particular political party. The party
did not matter. When Harry Truman elevated them, they were Democrats. When
Ronald Reagan installed them, they were Republicans. When neither party bowed
to their demands, they were anarchists and Communists. They often would ensconce
themselves on "both sides," such as, when the Rosenbergs were on trial as spies,
Irving Kaufman was sitting on the bench. It had reached the point that Presidential
aspirants, in order to gain financing, "sold-their-souls" increasingly to the Allen-genre.
George W. Bush, although placed in office by the "conservative" "Heartland," named
more Jews, minorities and aliens to high positions than any of his predecessors.
Allen-types have sometimes used tactics to "twist" programs and policies, which
they could not scuttle, outright. Barry Goldwater claimed "leadership" of the
"conservatives," seeking to "conserve" the political-landscape, prior to the so-called
Civil Rights Bill. Although wooing Southern segregationists, Goldwater later admitted
that he had planned to promote integration, had he deceptively gained the White
House. Joseph McCarthy had made significant gains in ousting Communist Jews from
government and industry, until he relied upon his "assistant," Roy Cohn, who goaded
him into intemperate excesses. However, neither being cunning nor having a vast
labyrinth of "underground" support has guaranteed Allen-kinsmen a perpetual stranglehold
upon the nation. Douglas Ginsberg, Abe Fortas, Marc Rich and Monica Lewinsky were
toppled, despite their "high-connections." The Truman diaries, Nixon tapes and,
even, Billy Graham memoirs reveal the longing to oust those who Jesus denominated
as "sons of the devil." Allen being the latest, whose grasped is loosed.
© 2006 The Nationalist Movement
And speaking of enemies, the conservative Weekly Standard has these unkind words to say about George Allen:
George Allen is a light-weight, who got to where he is on his father's name and reputation. He has neither said nor done anything that would qualify him to be President or even hold his current seat. The use of the "N" word is nothing new for people of his background and upbringing. He, like others have said many things in their feckless youth. But, of course, if he would have apologised for that youthful indiscretion, almost all would have been forgiven. But in the context of the "macacca" remark, where he denied the meaning of the word, and his so-called ignorance of his mother's Jewish roots, his true level of candidness was exposed. He made the statement, when asked, that he did not remember saing the "N" word. Of course it was quoted by the wife of his former coach, who had been telling that story for 20+ years. On "Hardball," Chris Mathews has said numerous times that he could not believe his story on the use of the word "macacca." Any thinking or rational person could easily understand that he picked up the slur, possibly inadvertantly from his Tunisian-born mother. Maybe she used it in the home, in a private way, like many people do. But to attempt to make us believe that he invented the word is a joke. With regards to George Allen's past, just read about him from his sister in an article on the Huffington Blog. She's not too flattering of her brother and his insane antics as a young adult. In fact he comes across as a viscious boor. But if the GOP sees him as the natural heir to George W. Bush, they are probably right. They both are boorish louts. I have been paying attention to American politics since I was 12. I graduated, as an American history major, from Boston University 39 years ago, and have directly involved in politics, with my wife, for 37 years. I read about politics and American history constantly and have been in local government. I sincerely believe that there has never been a worse President than George W. Bush. The list of his inadequacies goes on and on. But the other George, named Allen, with his simplistic platitudes, his faux drawl, his cowboy boots, his good old boy red-neck flat-earth thinking and hypocritical morality would be perfect heir to the current disaster. I hope that George Allen is beaten and we, as a people, start to cultivate Republicans who are not captives of the nativistic impulses of the evangelicals and who go back to their roots of thrift, real family values, and decency.
RJ Garfunkel
Tarrytown, NY
Garza is right - excess breeds excess; D' are guilty of going to far. enough already, or face a backlash.
Since you clearly mentioned FDR for charisma by proximity, I should point out that George Allen (R) is sure as hell no Franklin D. Roosevelt (D). And many of the enemies he has made are those of the ethnic groups he has insulted with those macaca-esque flashes of insight into his true character. He should be in no position of power over anyone. Maybe dog catcher?
WELL, WELL, what do you know??
The latest Reuters/Zogby telephone poll shows Sen. George Allen (R.-Va.) with an 11-point lead in his race against Democrat James Webb. The poll is welcome news for a campaign that has been dogged recently by Allen's own gaffes and an ensuing feeding frenzy by the liberal Washington Post. - Human Events 10/05/2006.
So there you go!
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The latest hot internet speculation is that BOTH Bill and Hillary
Clinton may well be connected to the lynching of Virginia Republican
US Senator George Allen. Whether this is mere internet speculation,
or whether
it goes farther than that and is actually true remains to be seen.
Here now the speculation, as Fox News would say: “We Report You
Remember the name John N. Walsh Jr.?
You do if you read Are Saddams Saddemocrats Behind The George Allen
John N. Walsh Jr. is also a relative of John N. Walsh, III.
Coincidence Or Maybe Something Else
As Fox News would say:
”We report! You decide!”
Pictured: Mr. & Mrs. John n. Walsh, Jr. with Senator Hillary rodham
Clinton (center). annual reportcontents4. Page 15 ...
Pictured: Kaleida Health Board of Directors Chair edward F. Walsh,
Jr., Congressman tom reynolds, Senator Hillary Clinton, Kaleida
Health president and Ceo James r. Kaskie and former Kaleida Health
Ceo William D. McGuire
kaleida ball
On September 10, 2005 the Buffalo Niagara Convention Center was
transformed into the streets of New York City for the annual Kaleida
Ball. Spectacular city scenes and foods from various famous
neighborhoods and delis greeted the more than 1,100 partygoers who
were in attendance. Guests enjoyed foods from Little Italy,
Chinatown, Harlem and Stage Deli as they mingled and danced to the
sounds of Crystal Blue and Jack Civiletto.
Highlights included the presentation of the Spirit Award to both
Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton and Congressman Thomas Reynolds
MCGUIRE, WILLIAM D (KALEIDA HEALTH), (Zip code: 14203) $1000 to
FRIENDS OF HILLARY on 02/21/03¡¨
Lockwood, Anne (Kaleida Health/Psychologist), (Zip code: 14214)
$2000 to JOHN KERRY FOR PRESIDENT INC on 03/15/04¡¨
Lockwood, Anne S (Kaleida Health/Psychologist), (Zip code: 14214)
Walsh, John N III, (Zip code: 14222) $500 to JOHN KERRY FOR
PRESIDENT INC on 07/26/04¡¨
Walsh, Constance E, (Zip code: 14222) $500 to JOHN KERRY FOR
PRESIDENT INC on 07/26/04¡¨
Recall if you will Doctor Ken Shelton. Dr. Who?
No not the British science fiction series time traveler in any of
his many
Doctor Ken Shelton is the man accusing Virginia Republican US
Senator George
Allen of
things we firmly believe are absolutely untrue. “During a deer hunt
with Allen
in the early 1970s, Shelton said, Allen asked whether black families
lived in
the area before stuffing
a female deer’s head into the mail box of a black household.
”George insisted on taking the severed head, and I was a little
shocked by that,” Shelton said.
”This was just after the movie ‘The Godfather’ came out with the
severed horse’s head in the bed,” Shelton told the AP.
Doug Jones, who said he roomed with Shelton at Virginia , said in a
statement that he never saw or heard anything from Allen that
supports Shelton ‘s claims.
”I never heard George Allen use any racially disparaging word nor
did I ever witness or hear about him acting in a racially
insensitive manner,” Jones said.”
What the news stories are NOT
telling you is that Doctor Ken Shelton is the founder of something
called Tobacco FREE for Life Tobacco Free for Life - Teaching kids
of all ages
the truth about smoking. ... and is currently operating out of an
office on the
Pardee Hospital campus.
Tobacco FREE for Life
TFL started in 1996 by Dr. Ken Shelton of Hendersonville Radiological
Consultants and is currently operating out of an office on the Pardee
Hospital campus.
and that Pardee Hospital is the recipient of
Grants Help Fund New Cardio-Pulmonary Rehab and Diabetes Education
Center Pardee Hospital Foundation recently received notification of
worth of grants toward Pardee’s new Cardio-Pulmonary Rehabilitation
and Diabetes
Education Center. The Center will be constructed in Pardee’s
Thompson Street
facility which currently houses Pardee’s Urgent Care and Rehab and
Therapy services.
The James H. Cummings Foundation has awarded a $50,000 grant toward
the creation of the center. Cummings Foundation was established in
1962 by the late Mr. Cummings to fund medical science, medical
research and medical education, as well as some other focus areas,
in Buffalo, Toronto and Hendersonville. The Cummings Foundation
previously funded Pardee’s Emergency Department expansion.
The Perry N. Rudnick Donor Advised Fund of the Community Foundation
of Henderson County has awarded a $25,000 grant toward the project.
The Community Foundation of Henderson County supports charitable
programs in the greater Henderson County area. It was founded in
1983 and administers over 400 funds with assets of over $67 million.
South Financial Group Foundation, formerly known as the Carolina
First Foundation, has awarded a $5,000 grant toward the creation of
the center. The South Financial Group Foundation was created in 1999
with a focus on improving education through enhancing the quality of
life for the community.
In addition to these three grants, more than $179,000 has been
raised from the Pardee Hospital Auxiliary and other generous
benefactors. Proceeds from the 11th Annual Tournament of Champions
will also go toward the Center, contributing to a total of nearly
$323,000 in funds raised for this project.
James H Cummings Foundation Inc 1807 Elmwood Ave Ste 112, Buffalo,
NY, James H Cummings Foundation Inc - detailed
company profile James H Cummings Foundation Inc
1807 Elmwood Ave Ste 112,Buffalo, New York 14207-2434
Year Started: 1962 Contact Name: John N Walsh Jr
Contact Title: President”
John N. Walsh, Jr. is listed under Additional Regional Board
Members - Board Listing: at:
and that under
Key Facts: at an organization that currently calls itself:
National Conference for Community and Justice (NCCJ)
that organization states:
”The National Conference of Christians and Jews, changed its name in
the 1990’s to better reflect its mission to build whole and
inclusive communities. The historic name confused many, who
believed that NCCJ was an interfaith organization. Therefore the
new name is not a change in vision, but rather an affirmation of our
abiding commitment to embrace the diversity of our nation.
NCCJ is the only national human relations organization that focuses
on a broad range of “isms,” the multiple manifestations of
discrimination and oppression that are based on one’s religion,
race, gender, sexual orientation, bias crimes to racial profiling -
the challenges ahead are real. To confront and overcome them, NCCJ
maintains an abiding commitment to work with decision-makers and
leaders to support their work to build an inclusive society.”
Now all of these things are of course worthy goals. Medical research
admirable, so is fighting the ills of tobacco, although Webb himself
admits to
being someone who has chewed tobacco for many years, and certainly
discrimination of any sort is a worthy goal. It is the interesting
connections between the characters involved in the character
assassination and
overall lynching of Senator Allen that lead us to believe that there
are just
too many coincidences involved to be pure coincidence. However, to
Fox News once again, “We report, you decide!” What do you think of
the so-called
coincidences in this story? Are they more than mere coincidence?
As far back as May of 2006 Larry Sabato was so concerned about who
would challenge Republican US Senator George Allen in the Virginia
Senate Race in 2006 that he was calling one of the Democratic
candidates for the nomination “The worst candidate I have ever
seen.” That candidate, Harris Miller, did not get nominated.
The candidate who was nominated was former Navy Secretary James
Webb, a.k.a. Jim Webb.
Sabato in May of 2006 said of George Allen in 2008, “Sabato ranks
him as one of three GOP hopefuls who have an actual shot at winning
the nomination.”
the article is below:
Virginia Virtucon (Virtual Conservative)
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Larry and Me
I had the good fortune to be able to speak with UVA Prof. Larry
Sabato yesterday after an event in D.C. I got the chance to ask him
about some of the hot topics in the Virginia blogosphere and he had
some interesting things to say.
”The worst candidate I have ever seen.” “A joke.” “Won’t even look
you in the eye when he is talking to you.”
Who might you ask is he describing?
None other than 2006 Democrat senate hopeful Harris Miller.
However, Sabato wouldn’t go so far as to say that Miller wouldn’t be
the nominee. While the good Professor didn’t shy away from making
predictions in any other race he was asked about, he didn’t even
make a guess on the Democrat senate primary next month. Why? Well,
he seems convinced that there is a large Democrat contingent who
will never vote for Jim Webb on the sole basis that he was a Reagan
What he would say is that neither Miller nor Webb would defeat
George Allen in November. He said that Webb would make it more
interesting than Miller, but they would both ultimately lose.
Aside from Democrats not voting for Webb on the basis of his ties to
the Reagan Administration, Sabato claimed that there are organized
efforts by Republicans to vote in the Democrat primary for Miller on
the basis that he is such a horrible candidate and would lose worse
than Webb to Allen in November. (If there are indeed such efforts, I
have yet to hear of them.)
On George Allen in 2008, Sabato ranks him as one of three GOP
hopefuls who have an actual shot at winning the nomination, the
other two being John McCain and Mitt Romney. Sabato pointed out the
weaknesses of all three candidates—McCain being a maverick in a
party that hasn’t nominated a maverick since Wendell Wilke; Romney
being Governor of Massachusetts which automatically makes him
suspect to conservatives; and Allen being more Bush than Bush in a
time when W’s approval ratings are in the basement.
Finally, closer to home, I posed the question to Prof. Sabato about
whether PWC Chairman Sean Connaughton has a future at the statewide
level in Virginia . Sabato thought that without a doubt he does, but
said Connaughton might have to wait a cycle or two in order to give
himself a chance to remake his image after he was, as Sabato put
it, “unfairly characterized as a Tom Davis-moderate” during the 2005
Lt. Gov. primary.
So, there you have it—straight from Sabato’s mouth to my ears and
typed here by my fingers.
Categories: Virginia Politics_
posted by Riley, Not O’Reilly at 5/18/2006
That Larry Sabato was concerned about who might be elected President
in 2008 is clear. Here’s Sabato being quoted about a Hillary blunder:
”A blunder for Clinton ?
WASHINGTON - Hillary Clinton’s painstakingly crafted campaign to
soften her limousine liberal pedigree for 2008 hit a speed bump in
Harlem yesterday.
Ever since being elected to the Senate, New York ‘s junior senator
has strived to persuade moderate and independent voters she’s not
just another Hollywood lefty.
But her likening of House Republican leaders to slave-era plantation
overseers at least momentarily complicates her move-to-the-middle
”The use of the word ‘plantation’ is terribly unwise,” said Larry
Sabato, director of the University of Virginia ‘s Center for
Politics. “It will just reinforce the view most Americans have of
Hillary Clinton as being very liberal.”
It could have been worse, Sabato added: “At least she didn’t mention
Originally published on January 17, 2006”
In case you wondered who Larry Sabato donated to:
”Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Pundits Bruce Cain, Larry Sabato Donated to Dems
Another election day has passed and two of the most frequently
quoted pundits, Bruce Cain of the University of California at
Berkeley and Larry Sabato of the University of Virginia , are all
over the news, giving their supposedly unbiased opinions.
A quick search of Federal Election Commission records at reveals that Cain gave Sen. John Kerry $300 last year
and Sabato donated $500 in 1999 to Utah Democrat James Matheson’s
winning run for a seat in the House.
Yet, good luck locating a single news story that quotes either man
and references the political donations they’ve made.
Sabato’s official site, the Crystal Ball, evaluates Rep. Matheson’s
race in 2006, and he doesn’t mention his contribution to Matheson. I
guess Sabato doesn’t believe in full disclosure and transparency.
These are their FEC listings:
Cain, Bruce
San Rafael, CA 94901
UC Berkeley/Professor
House (UT 02)
05/21/99” source:
Let’s start off with George Allen critic, to say the least, Larry
First let us travel back in time to the Wednesday, October 23rd,
2002 issue of a publication called THE CAVALIER DAILY
when “Politicians, professors and students gather to celebrate Larry
J. Sabato’s 50th birthday and raise money for the Center for
Politics” Surely Mr.Sabato’s 50th birthday party must have been an
occasion for him. You can see a photo or Mr. Sabato being teased by
Allen at Sabato’s 50th birthday bash at
in the KnowTheEnemy photo
album.”Politics Prof. Larry J. Sabato covers his face in
embarassment as U.S.
Senator George Allen teases Sabato about his excessive on-camera
Please pay particular attention to the following item in the article
below in which Senator Warner is comparing the invitation to the
50th birthday
party for Larry Sabato to Marlon Brando’s “offer you can’t refuse”.
Surely that
line must have stuck with Larry Sabato.
Larry Sabato must have remembered that line.
”U.S. Senator John Warner, R-Va., compared the invitation to
Marlon Brando’s “offer you can’t refuse.”
In case you are not a fan of The Godfather, which starred Marlon
Brando Senator Warner’s 2002 reference was to Marlon Brando’s
character Don Vito Corleone,The Godfather,”Don Vito’s line, “I’m
going to make him an offer he can’t refuse” was voted as the second
most memorable line in cinema history in a 2005 poll”
The reference is to a character being pressured by The Godfather to
use a film star favored by The Godfather waking up to find the
severed head of a horse in his bed.
item immediately below is excerpted from the Wednesday, October
2002 issue of a publication called THE CAVALIER DAILY
Birthday Bashing
Politicians, professors and students gather to celebrate Larry J.
Sabato’s 50th birthday and raise money for the Center for Politics…
Sullivan , Cavalier Daily Associate Editor
…Virginia Gov. Mark R. Warner slowly worked his way through the
Clearly, these people could only have gathered for one reason—to
celebrate Politics Prof. Larry J. Sabato’s 50th birthday.
Virginia politicians, political analysts, journalists and University
students and alumni gathered Monday night in the Richmond Marriot to
wish Sabato a happy birthday.
Rather than traditional cake and candles, however, a few prominent
Virginia politicians humorously chose to light something else on
fire—Sabato’s reputation.
Warner said he accepted the invitation to speak for the opportunity
to give Sabato some of his own medicine.
”Larry’s been roasting all of us for years,” Warner said. “Turnabout
is fair play.”
The celebration, called the “Sabato Five-O,” took the form of a
roast a la Comedy Central. The event also served as a fundraiser for
The University of Virginia Center for Politics, of which Sabato
serves as director.
The Center for Politics, located on Old Ivy Road …After the crowd
made its way
into the dining room, former Virginia
Gov. L. Douglas Wilder introduced himself as emcee of the night’s
festivities, and proceeded to introduce a video, much like those
shown at bachelor parties.
The video started out with photos of Sabato’s youth, then moved to
doctored photographs including Sabato as Elvis and an onlooker in
the fateful photograph of former President Clinton and Monica
Lewinsky. …The program then gave six of Virginia ‘s most powerful
the opportunity to poke fun at a man who, as he himself claimed, has
predicted defeat for every one of them…. Virginia Attorney General
Jerry Kilgore
spoke about Sabato’s ability
to state the obvious and make it sound profound, then joked about
Sabato’s abundance of media exposure.
”He spends so much time in front of the camera lights,” Kilgore
said, “that when he opens his fridge at night he speaks for three
U.S. Senator George Allen, R-Va., cited a need to keep Sabato off
their backs.
”There are places we’d rather be,” Allen said. “But we didn’t want
to cross the good professor.”
U.S. Senator John Warner, R-Va., compared the invitation to Marlon
Brando’s “offer you can’t refuse.”
…Allen mentioned budgets cuts facing the University as well, and,
indicating Warner, said, “If he cuts your budget next year, Larry,
put it in your file as something mean a Democrat did to you.”
Allen, who attended the University as an undergraduate with Sabato,
remembered Sabato’s beginnings as a student who wanted to fight the
power of special interest groups.
”Then I see this gathering,” Allen said. “You make Hillary Clinton
look like a pike.”
Other commentary centered on Sabato’s role as a professor...
Politics Prof. Larry J. Sabato covers his face in embarassment as
U.S. Senator George Allen teases Sabato about his excessive on-
camera time.
Peter Dunn I Cavalier Daily
We hope that you will pay particular attention to the following item
movie reference in the article above: “U.S. Senator John Warner, R-
Va., compared
the invitation to Marlon Brando’s “offer you can’t refuse.”
Consider if you will the Dr.Shelton situation:
”Dr. Shelton said the incident with the deer head occurred during
their college days when he, Mr. Allen, and another teammate who has
since died were hunting on a farm the third man’s family owned near
Bumpass, Va., 40 miles east of the university.
Dr. Shelton said Mr. Allen asked the other teammate where black
families lived in the area, then stuffed a deer’s head into the
mailbox of one of the homes.
”George insisted on taking the severed head, and I was a little
shocked by that,” he told the AP. “This was just after the
movie ‘The Godfather’ came out with the severed horse’s head in the
We have a million dollar question about Larry Sabato. From “AJR,
American Journalism Review April/May 2005 issue The Quote
Machines By Mark Francis Cohen
Mark Francis Cohen, whose work has appeared in the Washington Post
and the New York Times, is a contributing editor at Washingtonian
Larry J. Sabato, who bills himself on the paid speaking circuit
as “probably the most quoted college professor in the land,”
recently donated $1 million to the University of Virginia .
That sum of money—estimated to be 12 to 13 times the scholar’s
annual salary—makes Sabato, 52, the most generous faculty member the
university has ever employed. Actually, it’s one of the biggest
gifts an active professor has handed to a school anywhere.
So where did Sabato get all this cash? “Thank goodness for compound
interest,” the mustachioed pundit told the Washington Post the day
his gift was announced. “It’s amazing what you can live on eating
Kraft Macaroni & Cheese for dinner.”
”Still, a prudent lifestyle and savvy investment decisions hardly
explain Sabato’s beneficence. The scholar has amassed mounds of
extra cash writing 23 books and moonlighting as a public speaker.
He’s a successful pundit whose words and face blanket the newspapers
and airwaves, appearances that boost his profile and his cachet on
the speaking circuit….it has become routine for individual editors,
say on a national desk, to forbid reporters from using certain
pundits as sources. Many editors interviewed for this article would
only admit such prohibitions anonymously. “I have told my reporters
not to use Larry Sabato anymore,” says the editor of a publication
that covers Congress.”
You decide: Where did Sabato get the million dollars? Why would “the
editor of a publication that covers Congress” have told
his “reporters not to use Larry Sabato anymore.” ?
Dr. Shelton said Mr. Allen used the N-word only around white
Dr. Shelton said the incident with the deer head occurred during
their college days when he, Mr. Allen, and another teammate who has
since died were hunting on a farm the third man’s family owned near
Bumpass, Va., 40 miles east of the university.
Dr. Shelton said Mr. Allen asked the other teammate where black
families lived in the area, then stuffed a deer’s head into the
mailbox of one of the homes.
”George insisted on taking the severed head, and I was a little
shocked by that,” he told the AP. “This was just after the
movie ‘The Godfather’ came out with the severed horse’s head in the
”Virginia Senator Denies Using ‘N Word’
George Allen: Accusation By Ex-College Teammate ‘Absolutely False’
”I don’t remember ever using that word and it is absolutely false
that that was ever part of my vocabulary.”
RICHMOND, Va., Sept. 25, 2006
(AP) Sen. George Allen on Monday denounced as “ludicrously false”
claims from a former college football teammate that he frequently
used a racial slur to refer to black people.
Dr. Ken Shelton, now a radiologist in Hendersonville , N.C. , also
alleges that Allen, a former University of Virginia quarterback,
once stuffed the severed head of a deer into a black household’s
oversized mail box.
In an Associated Press interview, Allen vehemently denied the
allegations Shelton made in an article published in the online
magazine and an AP interview Sunday night.
His campaign released statements from four other ex-teammates
defending Allen and rejecting Shelton ‘s claims.
”The story and his comments and assertions in there are completely
false,” Allen said during an interview with AP reporters and
editors. “I don’t remember ever using that word and it is absolutely
false that that was ever part of my vocabulary.”
Questions about racial insensitivity have dogged the Republican
throughout his re-election bid against Democrat Jim Webb.
Shelton , a tight end and wide receiver for the Cavaliers in the
early 1970s, said Allen used the N-word only around white teammates….
During a deer hunt with Allen in the early 1970s, Shelton said,
Allen asked whether black families lived in the area before stuffing
a female deer’s head into the mail box of a black household.
”George insisted on taking the severed head, and I was a little
shocked by that,” Shelton said.
”This was just after the movie ‘The Godfather’ came out with the
severed horse’s head in the bed,” Shelton told the AP.
Doug Jones, who said he roomed with Shelton at Virginia , said in a
statement that he never saw or heard anything from Allen that
supports Shelton ‘s claims.
”I never heard George Allen use any racially disparaging word nor
did I ever witness or hear about him acting in a racially
insensitive manner,” Jones said.”
Jim Webb, a.k.a. James Webb is Senator Allen’s opponent in the
Virginia Senate
race this year. Webb is an opponent of the liberation of Iraq. Webb
is one of
what we like to call Saddam’s Saddemocrats The following item on Jim
a.k.a. James Webb. comes from his campaign website:
”In government, Jim served in the U.S. Congress as counsel to the
Committee on Veterans Affairs from l977 to l98l”
We wonder what sort of useful and lasting contact Jim Webb, a.k.a.
James Webb,
might have made while he “served in the U.S. Congress as counsel to
the House
Committee on Veterans Affairs from l977 to l98l”.
”Public release date: 22-Jan-1998
BUFFALO, N.Y.—Researchers at the University at Buffalo and the U.S.
of Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Buffalo, using positron
tomography (PET), have pinpointed for the first time the specific
brain regions
responsible for Tinnitus, a constant and debilitating ringing in the
experienced by millions of Americans. ….The study was made possible
by grants
from UB, the American Tinnitus Association, the James H. Cummings
Foundation of
Buffalo and the National Institute on Deafness and Other
Disorders, part of the NIH.”
We hope that you will remember the name of the James H. Cummings
Foundation of
Buffalo in the article above.
Here is a story about Senator Allen’s opponent Jim Webb, a.k.a.
James Webb, that you will NEVER see on the Saddemocrat controlled
”Webb’s alleged use of a racial epithet
In late September, Webb was asked if he had ever used the “N-word.”
Webb replied that “I don’t think that there’s anyone who grew up
around the South that hasn’t had the word pass through their lips at
one time in their life.” Webb noted that that word and a lot of
other epithets were in “Fields of Fire,” a novel Webb wrote about
the Vietnam War.
Allen campaign officials referred reporters to Dan Cragg, a former
acquaintance of Webb’s. Craig said that Webb told him in 1983 that
Webb and members of his ROTC unit at the University of Southern
California would “hop into their cars, and would go down to Watts ,”
taking fake rifles, yell out epithets, “point the rifles at them,
pull the triggers and then drive off laughing.”
By contrast, although he has wrongfully been painted as a racist by the
Saddemocrat controlled media US Senator George Allen, Republican of Virginia is
no such thing. He is in fact, just the opposite.
As a US Senator George Allen sponsored legislation to award $1.25 billion in
grants for computers and technology for historically black colleges and
universities — the measure died in the US House of Representatives.
“I have worked very hard in the Senate to reach out to all Americans, regardless
of their race, religion, ethnicity or gender,” Senator George Allen said.
Senator George Allen proposed that the Senate apologize for its failure to enact
anti-lynching laws in the 1930’s and 40’s.
In fact Senator Allen is being politically lynched every day in the Saddemocrat
controlled media. He is no racist.
We have what we believe is a credible theory about the so-called
”macaca” incident. What we did not know at the time the so-called
”macaca” story appeared was that Senator Allen’s mother is Jewish.
We found that out later. Jews of the generation of Senator Allen’s mother
frequently speak one version of Yiddish or another.
Here is some of the coverage of the so-called “macaca” incident:
“This fellow here, over here with the yellow shirt, Macaca, or whatever his name
is, he’s with my opponent,” Mr. Allen said on Friday night at a rally in Breaks,
next to the Kentucky border. “He’s following us around everywhere. And it’s just
great…. The senator’s communications director, John Reid, said in an interview
Tuesday that Allen campaign workers had good-naturedly nicknamed Mr. Sidarth
“Mohawk” because he would not disclose his name and the sobriquet seemed
appropriate for Mr. Sidarth’s hairstyle. Perhaps, Mr. Reid suggested, “Mohawk”
morphed into “macaca,” with results that turned out to be regrettable.
After his initial use of the term, Mr. Allen went on to urge the crowd to “give
a welcome to Macaca here. Welcome to America and the real world of Virginia
.”Mr. Reid said those words were not an effort to stamp a “foreigner” label on
Mr. Sidarth, who was born in Fairfax County , Va. People who follow the campaign
of Mr. Allen, who was born in California , know that he often talks about “the
real America , real people in the real world,” meaning people outside the
Washington Beltway, Mr. Reid said. Mr. Allen expressed further regrets on
Tuesday, saying, “I apologize if my comments offended this young man.”
What we believe Senator Allen was trying to say was
fakakta: Yiddish for crazy, all mixed up.
We believe that Senator Allen would have heard one version of that word or
another frequently as a child from his Jewish mother or one or more of his other
Jewish relatives,some of whom spoke several languages.
Nu? I’m talking to you!
You don’t have to be Jewish to appreciate a good bagel and schmear or how to
shmooze and kvetch. Compliments of, here’s a primer on Yiddish basics
that’ll have you kibbitzing in no time! If you’re looking for more than basic
slang, check out Kolel’s great Yiddish and Hebrew classes.
FAKAKTA (fuh-KAK-ta) adj. Crappy
”I love a good menorah lighting ceremony, but I hate cleaning up the fakakta wax
afterwards.” Source:
“Remember the good old days when all we had to worry about was nuclear war?
(Actually, many of you probably don’t. Never mind.)
Well, those days are back due to the exciting CBS drama “ Jericho ”, which would
be another faceless family drama except for the fact that at least 2 major US
cities get nuked in the pilot. Jericho is a town in Kansas , from where people
see a gigantic mushroom cloud over Denver and gradually learn that everything is
fakakta except in their idyllic slice of Americana . Actually, we don’t know how
fakakta the world is yet, I suppose we’ll be learning over the next several
months.” Source:
“One reason our political culture is verkakte…. Wow! I don’t think I’ve ever
seen verkakte written down. I probably I would have spelled it fekakte or even
And to think that my childhood babysitter spoke to me exclusively in Yiddish.
You learn something new every day.” Source:
“Are you Red Sox fans crazy? Fakakta? Looney Toons?” source:
“All I know is that facacta song has been stuck in my head for two days
now.Never even heard of it before.
That’s because it’s spelled “verkakte.” Source:
“I can think of two institutions this year to which I would give my vote for the
year 2000 as being - in Yiddish they have a lovely word - verkakte - the most
verkakte service in relation to the advertising. One is ***Technical Support on
the Internet. Horrendous. The ads are very good. They have aged me by twenty
years, as one individual, and *** Bank, the credit card side of it - absolutely
There are thousands of online examples of the word fakakta
which is also sometimes spelled in a variety of other ways including
fekakte or verkakte, among others. We cannot blame Senator Allen for
mispronouncing fakakta as “macaca”. He certainly never meant to use any sort of
racial slur or epithet.
”In October of 1983
(according to a report in The Jerusalem Post), Syrian television
showed 16-year-old girls-trainees in the Syrian Ba’ath Party
militia-fondling live snakes as President Hafez Assad and other
Syrian leaders looked on approvingly. Martial music reached a
crescendo as the girls suddenly bit the snakes with their teeth, repeatedly tore
off flesh and spat it out as blood ran down their chins. As the leaders
applauded, the girls
then attached the snakes to sticks and grilled them over the fire,
eating them triumphantly. After this, militiamen “strangled puppies and drank
their blood.” Such demonstrations are clearly intended to send a message to the
regime’s domestic opponents.”
”French Jewish groups say they will file a lawsuit against Mr Assad
for inciting racial hatred when he accused Jews last month of having
betrayed Jesus.”
”The Wall Street Journal October 25, 1990 With a sudden flash of
teeth and claws, our new Syrian ally has pounced on what remains of
Lebanon. Syrian troops, who have been occupying most of Lebanon
since 1984, overran the headquarters of General Michel Aoun, the
military chief of Lebanon’s Maronite Christians, on Oct. 13. No
organized military resistance to Syria now exists in what was once
the Arab world’s best approximation of democracy. *** With
Washington’s smiles turning back toward Damascus, Syrian President
Hafez Assad grabbed his opportunity, and General Aoun has been
driven to seek refuge in the French Embassy in Beirut. At least 30,
and perhaps as many as 100, of General Aoun’s followers were
captured by Syrian soldiers, handcuffed, lined up and shot in the
back of the head. On Sunday in the town of Baabda, gunmen in
Lebanese army uniforms murdered another of the few remaining
Lebanese leaders to dare to oppose Syrian control-Danny Chamoun-and
his wife and two young sons. France has asked the United Nations to
investigate the atrocities that have followed the Syrian takeover.
The U.S has not joined that request. The State Department,
instantaneous and eager in its condemnation of Israel, has yet to
mumble a word of displeasure about Syria’s killings. As the Syrians
descend on Lebanon, so soon after their brother Baathists consumed
Kuwait, we hope the Bush Administration is able to sustain a clear-
eyed view of America’s new Middle Eastern ally, Hafez Assad.”
Can you imagine the nightmare of Hillary Rodham Clinton elected
President in 2008 and James Webb,a.k.a. Jim Webb, elected Vice President in
2008? What sort of views does Webb have of Bashir al Assad, the son of the
Syrian dictator Hafez Al Assad, and his Baathist regime?
Here is Webb being quoted about Syria, the nation from which and
through which most of the terrorists who are murdering Americans and coalition
forces and innocent Iraqis right now come from,in 2006:
”On the current situation in the Middle East, Webb said he believes
the U.S. must befriend Syria and try to use that country as an ally…”
And if under President Hillary Rodham Clinton and Vice President James Webb,
a.k.a. Jim Webb, or President Webb should something happen to Presdient Hillary
Rodham Clinton the U.S. befriends Syria and tries to use Syria as an ally what
country or countries will
Syria be used as an ally against?
Against Israel? Syria is no friend of Israel. So if under President Hillary
Rodham Clinton and Vice President James Webb, a.k.a. Jim Webb
America becomes the friend of Syria and the Syria is the enemy of
Israel does America become the enemy of Israel? Does America nuke
Israel? Does America round up American Jews and open extermination camps? In
America can a sitting US Senator be asked whether he has Jewish ancestry? Think
it can’t happen here? It just did in Virginia!
”Arutz Sheva News Service
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Tensions with Syria continue, while Israel Air Force officer says
short-range rockets are the main threat.
Syria’s Information Minister Muhsin Bilal says the “Syrian nation will not wait
much longer for the return of the Golan Heights.” He told the Egyptian Al-Ahram
newspaper that though Syria has waited patiently for 16 years hoping the “peace
for land” formula would be implemented, “nothing has happened.” In the
meanwhile, an Israel Air Force officer said today that the main threat against
Israel today stems from short-range rockets from Gaza, Lebanon and possibly
Judea and Samaria. “If the IDF had had full intelligence on everything going on
in southern Lebanon near Israel, we could have prepared better for a better
solution, both from the air and on the ground, to the short-range Katyusha
missiles,” he said. The officer said that the maps used by the Air Force were
more up-to-date than those used by the ground forces.Two Kassam rockets were
fired by Palestinian terrorists in Gaza Monday morning. The rockets landed just
short of the northern Gaza border fence, causing no damage.”
And what of Hamas, whose headquarters are in Damascus,Syria?
”Report: Hamas weighing large-scale conflict with Israel
...Hamas smuggled hundreds of tons of weapons from Egypt into Gaza Strip Aaron
Klein, WND Hamas has succeeded in smuggling “hundreds of tons” of weapons from
Egypt into the Gaza Strip and is preparing for the possibility of launching a
large-scale conflict with Israel... Hamas has smuggled from the Egyptian Sinai
desert between several hundred and 1,300 tons of advanced rockets; anti-tank and
anti-aircraft missiles; rocket propelled grenades; raw explosives; rifles;
ammunition; and other heavy weaponry....Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip last
year. In a deal brokered in November by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, the
Egypt-Gaza border, once controlled by the Jewish state, now is manned by
Egyptian and (so-calle) “palestinian” security officials and is observed by
European monitors. The monitors reportedly have fled their duty several times
the past few months. Israeli security officials have noted multiple breaches in
border security, including the transport of terrorists and weapons across the
border. They say several key sections of the border are penetrable and that
smuggling tunnels that snake under the border are “thriving.” ...since the
Jewish state withdrew from Gaza, the (so-called) “palestinians” successfully
have transferred hundreds of tons of weapons into the Strip. “If we don’t move
to counter this smuggling, it will continue and create a situation in Gaza
similar to the one in southern Lebanon,” (Yuval Diskin,
director of Israel’s Shin Bet Security Services, said)referring to Hizbullah’s
development of large rocket and weapons arsenals in south Lebanon for use
against Israel. Hizbullah ‘turning Gaza into south Lebanon’... “he is right. We
are turning Gaza into south Lebanon,” said Abu Ahmed, northern Gaza leader for
the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terror group. “We learned from Hizbullah’s victory
that Israel can be defeated if we know how to hit them and if we are well
prepared,” Abu Ahmed said. “We are importing rockets and the knowledge to launch
them and we are also making many plans for battle.” Abu Abdullah, a leader of
Hamas’ so-called “military wing” told WND his group is preparing for war against
Israel. “In the last 15 months, even though the fighters of Hamas kept the
cease-fire, we did not stop making important advancements and professional
training on the military level. In the future, after Hamas is obliged to stop
the cease-fire, the world shall see our new military capabilities,” said Abu
Abdullah, who is considered one of the most important operational members of
Hamas’ Izzedine al-Qassam Martyrs Brigades, Hamas’ declared “resistance”
department. Al Aqsa’s Abu Ahmed said his group is receiving help from Hizbullah
to import long-range rockets and train in guerrilla warfare tactics. “We have
warm relations with Hizbullah, which helps with some of the training programs,”
Abu Ahmed said. “We don’t have anything to be ashamed of - that we are dealing
with Hizbullah and that we are receiving training and information from them.” He
said Hizbullah maintains cells in the Sinai. “The Sinai is an excellent ground
for training, the exchange of information and weapons and for meetings on how to
turn every piece of land into usable territory for a confrontation with Israel,”
Abu Ahmed said. The terror leader said (so-called) “palestinian” groups are
developing war bunkers inside Gaza imilar to the underground Hizbullah lairs
Israel found during last month’s war in Lebanon. “Our preparations include the
building of special bunkers. Of course, we are taking into consideration that
Gaza is not the same topography as Lebanon,” Abu Ahmed said. During its
confrontation with Hizbullah, Israel destroyed scores of complex bunkers that
snaked along the Lebanese side of the Israel-Lebanon border. Military officials
said they were surprised by the scale of the Hizbullah bunkers, in which Israeli
troops reportedly found war rooms stocked with advanced eavesdropping and
surveillance equipment they noted were made by Iran. Abu Ahmed said the most
important “tool” in the so-called “palestinian resistance arsenal was rockets.
He said his group learned from Hizbullah that Israel can be defeated with
missiles. “We saw that with the capacity to bombard the Israeli population with
hundreds of rockets every day we can change the strategic balance with Israel,”
he said. Since Israel’s Gaza withdrawal, so-called “palestinian” terror groups
have been regularly firing rockets at nearby Jewish communities. The terrorists
generally have fired three versions of Qassam rockets, improvised steel
projectiles filled with explosives and fuel. Qassams can travel between one and
five miles depending on the sophistication of the particular rocket.
Israel has noted improvements in Qassams, including rockets carrying double
engines. Israeli security officials say a large number of Katyusha rockets have
been brought into Gaza. Katyushas can travel about 12 miles and can deliver
large payloads. Hizbullah fired more than 2,800 Katyusha rockets into Israel in
July and August, devastating many northern towns. In August, Islamic Jihad fired
a Katyusha rocket into the Israeli Negev. It landed in an empty area. In June
the group fired a Katyusha-like rocket that traveled about nine miles. “The
Katyusha we fired (in August) shows we can have every weapon we need,” said Abu
Ahmed. “It is only a matter of a small period before Gaza is ready for war.”
James Webb, a.k.a. Jim Webb, Senator Allen’s opponent in the
November 2006 Election appears to be a man who will say and perhaps do anything
to get elected. Here is Webb being quoted :
By Todd Jackson on Tuesday August 1st, 2006
”The country, too, should tailor an affirmative action plan that
would aid only blacks, Webb said, because that’s the only group of people to be
systematically held down decade after decade in the U.S.” “On the current
situation in the Middle East, Webb said he believes the U.S.must befriend Syria
and try to use that country as an ally…””Webb, sitting in an easy chair in
Democrat Warren Campbell’s living room,acknowledged that he’s got name
recognition issues—particularly in Western Virginia—a day after a Mason-Dixon
poll revealed that 33 percent of 625 survey
respondents statewide don’t know who he is. The same poll showed
that incumbent Republican Sen. George Allen’s name recognition is 97
percent.Moreover, 58 percent say Allen is doing a good or excellent job. Three
months from Election Day, Allen leads Webb by 16 percentage points, the poll
The day before, on Monday, July 31, 2006
”Ben Tribbett of Not Larry Sabato reports that only 39 percent of
African-Americans support Jim Webb for the Senate. Sixteen percent
support Sen.George Allen and a whopping 45 percent are undecided
Are these the type of “sweet little truths” Webb would be
whispering to black voters?
”To understand me, you’ve got to look at things like my mother. My
mother grew up in East Arkansas. When her father died, they were the only white
family living in a black section of town. They had to follow the crops, picked
cotton, strawberries . . . there is not a black family in this country that had
it rougher than they did. I am still finding out how rough things were.”
(Washington Post, 12/8/1985).
”Affirmative action, which originally sought to repair the state-
induced damage to blacks from slavery and its aftermath, has within one
generation brought about a permeating state-sponsored racism that is as odious
as the Jim Crow laws it sought to countermand. A Soviet-style bureaucracy of
political commissars now
monitors every level of our society to ensure that racial and
gender “diversity” matches pre-ordained models, using the awesome powers of
government to make certain that white males are not “overrepresented” in
education, employment or
government contracts.” (Wall Street Journal, 5/22/00)
”It would be folly to assume that affirmative action has done
anything but exacerbate these disparities” (Wall Street Journal, 6/19/95)
”[The racial polices established by Clinton for the military are]
absolute stupidity,” said former Navy Secretary James Webb, who has
criticized Clinton administration efforts to make the military “reflect society
at large.”
(Washington Times, 8/9/95)”
Now that’s quite a difference.
as is this:
Webb’s Support of Affirmative Action at Issue
Writings Scrutinized During Campaign for Democratic Nomination
By Rosalind S. Helderman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, June 6, 2006; Page B08
RICHMOND—Democratic Senate candidate James Webb has a childhood
memory of relatives living hard lives in southwest Virginia
communities with no electricity.
That’s why when he started studying affirmative action programs as a
law student, he came to a question: Why was preferential treatment
given on the job to all kinds of ethnic groups that were considered
disadvantaged—Latinos, Asians, blacks, Native Americans—but
not to
working-class whites struggling to overcome poverty?”
Kind of reminds me of voting for the $87 billion before voting
against it, if
anyone can remember Kerry’s 2004 flip flops.
A historical note, this writer went to Mississippi in the 1960s to
join the
civil rights movement. As such I am extremely uncomfortable about
the use of the
so-called “n” word in some of the articles being quoted. I find the
word to be
offensive and atrocious.
I have included it sparingly where it exists in some of the articles
quoted for the sake of accurately relaying what some of the articles
quoted are saying. Nonetheless I am repelled by the word itself, and
by those
who would use it against other human beings. I do not believe that
Senator Allen
ever used it against anyone. I do believe that James Webb, a.k.a.
Jim Webb did
and may still do so. Moreover Webb is not the only one to have
allegedly used,
and possibly still be using, such an atrocious racial slur.
the following item is excerpted from:
More Than Sex: The Secrets of Bill and Hillary Clinton Revealed by
Arkansas State Trooper
September 14, 1999 Washington - An Arkansas State Trooper who once guarded Bill
Clinton has revealed startling new information about Bill and Hillary Rodham
Clinton. Trooper Larry Patterson, a recently retired 32-year veteran of the
state police,
had been the most senior member of the elite Governor’s Security
Detail during the period Bill Clinton served as Governor. During that time,
Patterson became privy to Bill and Hillary Clinton’s most closely guarded
secrets. Patterson told his story exclusively to and Internet
Vortex. has
published More than Sex: The Secrets of Bill and Hillary Clinton
Revealed — a two-hour audio cassette tape of Christopher Ruddy’s interview with
Trooper Larry Patterson. In More than Sex Patterson makes bombshell revelations,
some of which
have never been disclosed before: Organized Crime. The press has ignored
reporting of this critical issue, but
Patterson says Clinton had a close relationship with the head of the
Dixie Mafia—Arkansas’ homegrown organized crime family that has grown in recent
years through drug trafficking. Patterson said Clinton regularly received gifts
the reputed mob boss. Ethnic Slurs about Jews. Both Hillary and Bill Clinton
frequently used slurs during heated arguments with each other, Patterson said.
Among the epithets they
frequently hurled at each other were anti-Semitic slurs such
as ‘mother f---in’ Jew’ or ‘Jew bastard’. Patterson said such references were
heard frequently during the years he served the Clintons. Patterson said Clinton
loved telling
ethnic jokes and frequently told jokes that were anti-Semitic.
The use of the “N” word. Patterson said Bill Clinton would use the
word “nigger” — the “N” word — when he was angry with African-American
opponents. He recalls the use of the word in describing a black, Arkansas
activist who was critical
of Clinton. Patterson said Clinton also used the “N” word during the
1992 campaign Hitler and Mein Kampf. Bill Clinton, Patterson said, spoke
admiringly of Hitler and was fascinated by his book Mein Kampf.
In 2004 John Forbes Kerry launched what was seen by many as a pre-emptive strike
against the Bush-Cheney re-election campaign by discussing the sexual
orientation of Vice President Cheney’s daughter. Some years earlier, published
reports in a Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania newspaper had alleged that Theresa Heinz,
who later became Theresa Heinz Kerry, was a lesbian. In light of the
vulnerability to charges of racism in the story immediately above one wonders
whether history was in a sense repeating itself when
the baseless charges of racism against US Senator George Allen of Virginia were
aired by the Saddemocrat controlled media. Kerry’s 2004 campaign was taken over
by Clintonistas in the fall of 2004.
Kerry Has No Sense of Decency or of Shame No Sense At All
Kerry Worse Than Howard Stern And Howard Dean Combined
Joseph Welch
Joseph Nye Welch (left), chief counsel for the U. S. Army, speaks to
Senator McCarthy during the Army-McCarthy hearings in Washington, D.
C., June, 1954.
”Welch removed his glasses, stared dolefully at the table and shook
his head. What he said then became the event’s dramatic climax, and
a moment more movie-like in its dramatic impact than even most
movies come close to.
”Until this moment, Senator, I think I never really gauged your
cruelty or your recklessness.” There was no noise in the huge, high-
ceilinged room save for the sparse clearing of throats. “Let us not
assassinate this lad further, Senator. You have done enough. Have
you no sense of decency sir, at long last? Have you no sense of
”Mary Beth Cahill, John Kerry’s campaign manager, called Mary
Cheney’s sexuality “fair game” in a post-debate interview with Fox
News Wednesday night
(October 13th, 2004).”
”KERRY: I think if you were to talk to Dick Cheney’s daughter, who
is a lesbian...” (October 13th, 2004). Bush-Kerry Presidential Debate
...the vice president and his wife...have a gay daughter.”
(October 5th, 2004) Cheney-Edwards Vice Presidential Debate
”The vice president’s wife, Lynne Cheney, called Kerry “not a good
man” and his remarks about daughter Mary Cheney “a cheap and tawdry
political trick.” Meanwhile, Elizabeth Edwards, the wife of vice
presidential candidate John Edwards, suggested in a radio interview
that Mrs. Cheney might feel “a certain degree of shame” because her
daughter is a lesbian.”
’Clintonistas’ Rally Behind Kerry’s Presidential Bid
AFP: 9/22/2004 WEST PALM BEACH, United States (AFP) - Democratic Senator John
Kerry‘s White House bid has become more combative, more open to reporters and
delivered a more focused message recently which
observers have attributed to the influence of former Bill Clinton
administration staffers. Under advice from the ‘Clintonistas‘, according to US
media reports, the veteran Massachusetts senator‘s campaign has clicked into a
higher gear just 41 days before Amercians go to the polls on November 2. The
Democratic presidential hopeful interrupted his campaigning across Florida on
Tuesday to hold a press conference, his first in more than seven weeks, at which
he lambasted President George W. Bush‘s credibility over Iraq.
Kerry last spoke took questions from the press on August 9, despite
the growing number of reporters who are following the Democrat
around the country. Kerry criticized Bush who has also kept his distance from
the press. ...Under the guidance of former Clinton era White House spokesman Joe
Lockhart, and other former high-powered ‘Clintonistas‘ including James Carville,
Paul Begala,... the Democratic candidate has become more combative and less
Kerry has notably increased his attacks on Bush, concentrating his
fire on Bush‘s handling of Iraq in clear-cut language.
Citing the “chaos” and “colossal errors” in Bush‘s decision to go to
war against the former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein in March 2003,
Kerry laid into Bush in a speech on Iraq this week at New York
According to Michael McCurry, another former Clinton spokesman who
has joined the Kerry campaign, the speech was “exactly what you‘d
expect, many people have said this was a speech that you needed to
The Democratic candidate, who has pulled back of late in some polls,
has said he always performs better as he approaches the finishing
tape in political campaigns.
”Tonight I‘m going to talk softly, but carry a big stick, the guys
have got me in a fighting mood,” Kerry told thousands of supporters
at an Orlando rally late Tuesday.
”There is a time for everything and it was time for him to take off
the gloves,” Kerry‘s wife Teresa told a New York audience at a fund-
raising dinner for her husband.
Kerry has not hidden the fact that Bill Clinton‘s seemingly
inexhaustable energy might be rubbing off: “He is probably the best
observer of American politics, the only Democrat who‘s won twice in
50 years or more, he is worth listening to,” Kerry told CBS talk-
show host David Letterman earlier this week.
Explaining the recent ramping up of his campaign, Kerry said “a
campaign grows, a presidential campaign is an enormous undertaking,
suddenly you‘re building a multimillion dollar corporation.
You grow and there are stages in it, we have fabulous people in
place, nobody was fired, we just hired more people and brought in
more talent,” he added.”
”The Clintonista “Coups.” At several critical junctures Kerry’s
campaign (and
the candidate himself), struggled to find sure footing. Following
the missteps
of August, Clinton veteran James Carville confronted Kerry campaign
manager Mary
Beth Cahill, telling her she had to step aside and let newly arrived
Lockhart run the campaign. So worked up, Carville began to cry,
Cahill: “You’ve got to let him do it.” Carville continued, “Nobody
can gain
power without someone losing power.” Carville threatened to go
on “Meet the
Press” the next day “and tell the truth about how bad it is” if
Cahill didn’t
give effective control to Lockhart.”
Kerry appeared to be mesmerized by Bill Clinton, as, sadly, so many
have been. While Bill Clinton appears to have fooled Kerry, and the
of the piece excerpted from immediately below, the Clintons can’t
fool all of
the people all of the time.
”Former Reagan Navy Secretary and now Democratic Senate hopeful from
Virginia James Webb is being accused of anti-Semitism for a flier
produced against his opponent Harris Miller.
By James Joyner
Senate candidate James H. Webb, President Reagan’s former Navy
secretary, was criticized by his Jewish opponent Friday over a
campaign flier that depicted the opponent with a hooked nose and
cash spilling from his pockets. The flier was intended for
distribution among labor groups. It was titled “Miller the Job
Killer,” referring to Webb’s opponent for the Democratic nomination
in Tuesday’s primary, businessman Harris Miller.
The flier, drawn in comic-book cartoon style, depicts Miller with a
grotesquely hooked nose and cash overflowing from his suit pockets
as he orders an underling to find ways to export U.S. jobs overseas.
The flier refers to Miller as the “anti-Christ of outsourcing.”
Miller called it “despicable.” “One of the things I hoped we would
keep out of this campaign, because it has nothing to do with the
campaign, is my religion and my background,” Miller said.” source:
Here are some excerpts from that anti-Miller flyer
click on the url immediately below to see it:
which was “paid for and authorized by webb for senate.” whose caricature drawings of Democrat Harris
Miller, who happens to be Jewish, look like they came straight out
of some nazi Germany era anti-Semitic propaganda piece, have him
saying: “Let them eat cake.”, which of course he never said, and
which has a footnote stating “1. Attributed to Marie Antoinette
shortly before she was beheaded in 1793.” as if Miller had actually
said it.
”Harris Miller, a corporate lobbyist, made his fortune by advocating
the outsourcing of American jobs. Called the “anti-Christ of
outsourcing,” 1. Attributed to Marie Antoinette shortly before she
was beheaded in 1793. As Virginia’s Senator, Jim Webb will be a
voice for working Virginians and will fight for what is really
Root out corporate corruption and end the lobbyist stranglehold on
Congress, restoring confidence in our government. paid for and
authorized by webb for senate.”
it is no wonder that the American Muslim Alliance chapter in
Massachusetts held
what it called a “successful fundraiser” for First Lady Hillary
Clinton at the
Park Plaza Hotel in Boston on June 13, 2000. AMA Massachusetts Chair
Tahir Ali
said afterwards, “We are attempting to send an important message to
all AMA
chapters: we must support all who have [Muslim] interests at heart,
of what part of the country they are running in.”
According to Steve Emerson, a well-known investigative journalist
in militant Islamic organizations, the AMA’s leaders “have
sanctioned terrorism,
published anti-Semitic statements, and repeatedly hosted conferences
that were
forums for denunciations of Jews and exhortations to wage jihad.”
Faced with
pressure on the matter, Mrs. Clinton announced on Oct. 25th that she
returning the $50,000 in campaign contributions raised for her by
the AMA. She
failed to give a credible explanation as to why it took her more
than four
months from June 13th until October 25th until she saw it
necessary to
return the money.
Mr. Emerson, in a recent Wall Street Journal article, noted: “As
first lady,
Mrs. Clinton began in 1996 an outreach program to Muslim leaders in
the U.S.
With America’s Muslim population at some six million and growing, an
effort to
include the community’s leaders in the mainstream of American
politics is
unquestionably a worthy undertaking. But curiously, nearly all of
the leaders
with whom Mrs. Clinton elected to meet came from Islamic
organizations. A review of the statements, publications and
conferences of the
groups Mrs. Clinton embraced shows unambiguously that they have long
or justified violence. By meeting with these groups, the first lady
lent them
legitimacy as “mainstream” and “moderate”.”
But this should not be unexpected, considering Mrs. Clinton’s past
affiliations. During the 1980’s, ultra-liberal lawyer Hillary Rodham-
served on the board of the New World Foundation, which funneled
money to the
Palestine Liberation Organization, at a time when the PLO was
recognized by the United States as a terrorist organization.
Similarly, in February 1996, Hillary hosted a reception at the White
House for
leaders of Hamas-supporting groups such as the American Muslim
Council and the
Council on American-Islamic Relations. And in January, 1998, Hillary
another White House reception honoring Muslim leaders and the Muslim
Affairs Council who defended militant Islamic fundamentalism and
also supported
radical Islamic groups.
This, then, is the real Hillary Rodham-Clinton. An ambitious woman
willing to
utter any banal cliche on behalf of “Israel’s security” to placate
unaware New
York Jewish voters, but one whose pre-Senate race record on Israel
is appalling.
It’s a record of supporting the terrorist PLO, even before the 1993
signing of
the first Oslo Agreement on the White House lawn, of ignoring
blatant calumny
heaped on Israel by Suha Arafat, of supporting the creation of a
Palestinian PLO
State, of hosting and legitimizing extremist Islamic groups in the
States. Most recently, it included taking campaign contributions
from these very
same evil, anti-Semitic organizations - until being caught with her
hand in the
extremist Islamic cookie jar. This is the very same Hillary Rodham-
Clinton who
now claims to be Israel’s friend.”
You can see actual photos of arafat’s uncle,Haj Mohammad Amin al-
Husseini,the grand mufti of Jerusalem, and others :
Kofi and Nasrallah, boss of Hezbollah
The Mufti and Hitler
Himmler with a Moslem SS Division
Joe Dioguardi
Hillary Clinton Kissing Arafat’s Wife
Hillary Clinton Kissing Arafat’s Wife may also be seen at:
arafat’s uncle,Haj Mohammad Amin al-Husseini,the grand mufti of
Jerusalem raised
three Moslem nazi SS divisions for Hitler during World War Two. Two
of those
Moslem SS divisions were Bosnian, the third was Albanian. The
Albanian Moslem SS
Division was called the SS Division from which would spring the
”KLA” Kosovo Liberation Army, a.k.a. UCK in Albanian.
The children and grandchildren of the Albanian Moslem SS Division
became the so-called “KLA”.
Now imagine if you will the 2008 Dream Ticket of Saddam’s
Saddemocrats: Hillary
Rodham Clinton for President and James Webb, a.k.a. Jim Webb, for
President. And if they are elected in 2008?
”Allen: Webb camp anti-Semitic
Thursday, September 21, 2006
U.S. Sen. George Allen, R-Va., is accusing challenger Jim Webb of
anti-Semitism for spotlighting Allen’s newly acknowledged Jewish
ancestry on Democratic blogs.”There is a common thread that is
running through the Webb campaign,” Allen campaign manager Dick
Wadhams said yesterday. “It has a clear anti-Semitic overtone to it.”
Webb’s press secretary, Kristian Denny Todd, dismissed the claim
as “slash-and-burn campaign tactics” and a bid to “make George Allen
a sympathetic figure by rallying his base against the big, bad
The Allen broadside followed the latest complication for his re-
election effort: confirming he is part Jewish after angrily ducking
a question on his heritage during a debate Monday with Webb.
Allen said his maternal grandfather, an Italian jailed in Tunisia
by the Nazis, was Jewish. Allen said he learned of his grandfather’s
religion, in part, after recent discussions with his mother.
Allen’s mother, Henrietta, “Etty” Allen, told The Washington Post
yesterday that she concealed her upbringing as a Jew in North Africa
from her children until late August when Allen asked her directly
about his Jewish heritage. She said that she and the senator’s
father, former Redskins coach George Allen, had wanted to protect
their children from living with the fear that she had experienced
during World War II.
Allen’s mother, who is 83, said she asked her son not to tell his
siblings and his wife. “The fact this is such an issue justifies my
actions, and my behavior,” she told the Post.
In addition to posts on Democratic blogs focusing on Allen’s
lineage, Wadhams cited Webb’s use of a controversial handbill during
the primary campaign as evidence of anti-Semitism.
”Anti-Semitic themes run through the Webb campaign,” Wadhams
said. “I distinctly make that assertion and that charge.”
During the Democratic primary, Webb was criticized for a flier
featuring a cartoon likeness of his Jewish opponent, Harris Miller,
with a large nose and cash spilling from his pockets.
Last night, the Allen campaign issued a statement in which two
Jewish Republicans U.S. Rep. Eric I. Cantor of Virginia and U.S.
Sen. Norm Coleman of Minnesota—attacked Webb.
”Appeals to bigotry fail in Virginia, because Virginians look to a
person’s integrity and character,” said Cantor. “Jim Webb is failing
this test for integrity.”
Coleman said, “Former Naval Secretary Webb’s campaign is sailing in
dirty and dangerous waters when it plays the religious card. The
voters of Virginia should sink this vessel and wash away any effort
to question Senator Allen’s faith or heritage.”
Wadhams referred to posts on Democratic blog sites that address
Allen’s Jewish ancestry, …
On several blogs, some friendly to Webb, posts chided Allen for his
fierce reply to the question by a Washington television station.
Others poked fun at the senator or raised questions about his
forthrightness. Some Republican blogs carried posts defending Allen
and critical of those who questioned his lineage….
Contact staff writer Jeff E. Schapiro at
or (804) 649-6814.”
c=MGArticle&cid 49190734976&pagename=RTD/MGArticle/RTD_BasicArticle
excerpted from:
”Hardball: 27 Minutes For Allegations Against Allen, 0 For Those
Against Webb
Posted by Mark Finkelstein on September 28, 2006 - 18:01. ….
driving through a black neighborhood, flaunting rifles and yelling
racial epithets
why did Chris Matthews devote the first half of this
afternoon’s “Hardball” to the n-word story, and not one second to
the driving-through-the-black-neighborhood story?
Matthews opened Hardball with an extended segment featuring Patricia
Waring, who in 1978 was apparently the wife of the coach of the
University of Virginia rugby club team. She claims that, attending
one game, she overheard George Allen telling a story in which he
repeatedly used the n-word. She says she confronted him about it,
asking him not to use the word.
Waring acknowledged that she is a registered Democrat and party
After the Waring interview, Matthews pored over the implications for
Allen’s political prospects with guests Howard Fineman of Newsweek,
Matthew Continetti of the Weekly Standard, MSNBC analyst Craig
Crawford and Mike Allen of Time magazine.
At the same time, a Washington Post story that Rush Limbaugh
discussed today [that only managed to make it into WaPo’s ‘B’
section, in contrast with the front-page treatment the Post accorded
the Allen allegations] contains some shocking assertions.
Dan Cragg describes himself as “a longtime friend of Webb’s who
worked for him when he was assistant secretary of defense under
President Ronald Reagan.” He told the Post that in addition to
hearing Webb use the n-word in his presence, Webb told him that when
he was a student at USC in Los Angeles :
”[Webb and friends] would hop into their cars, and would go down to
Watts with these buddies of his,” Cragg said Webb told him. “They
would take the rifles down there. They would call them [epithets],
point the rifles at them, pull the triggers and then drive off
laughing. One night, some guys caught them and beat . . . them. And
that was the end of that.”
Let’s recapitulate:
· Story on Allen’s alleged use of n-word: first 27 minutes of
this evening’s Hardball.
· Story on Webb’s alleged driving through black neighborhood
brandishing rifle and hurling racial epithets: not one second.
Finkelstein lives in the liberal haven of Ithaca , NY . View
webcasts of Mark’s award-winning TV show ‘Right Angle’ here. Contact
Mark at
also worked…We saw anti-Israel asset Chris Matthews, who opposed the
of Iraq, all over NBC, CNBC and MSNBC….We saw Nelson Rockefeller
testify on TV in the 1970s about the Rockefeller family interest in
General Electric, which owns NBC,
which is broadcast from Rockefeller Center….Senator Rockefeller has
become a harsh critic of the liberation of Iraq. He joins NBC assets
Chris Matthews, Andrea Mitchell, Phil
Donahue,and many many other NBC assets, in that harsh criticism of
the liberation of
Here is Rockefeller being quouted in
”Sen. Rockefeller: no mass destruction weapons in Iraq
Iraq-USA, Politics, 5/31/2003 Senator Jay Rockefeller of West
Virginia, a member at the US intelligence committee doubted the
American allegation that there are mass destruction weapons in Iraq,
saying should these weapons exist, they would have been found.
Rockefeller added that if the US believed these weapons are hidden
and are difficult to find it, the thinking was that more time should
have been given to the UN inspectors before deciding to launch the
war against Iraq.
He said that the intelligence committee will press intelligence
officials for answers about the false allegations that were used
against Iraq.”
NBC is owned by General Electric, a firm with major Rockefeller
ties according to testimony given during the confirmation hearings
for then Vice Presidential nominee Nelson A. Rockefeller.
Wednesday, 20 June, 2001, 21:40 GMT 22:40 UK
US Senators lash out at EU A US Senator has said the US may
retaliate against the European Union (EU) if it fails to approve the
merger of General Electric and Honeywell International. In a letter
to European Commission (EC) vice president Loyola de Palacio,
Senator John Rockefeller, a Democrat from West Virginia, said, “If
it appears that the European Commission is unfairly blocking mergers
between US companies principally to protect the position of European
competitors, then the subcommittee will need to re-examine the open
market the US has maintained for [aerospace] acquisitions.” In his
letter, Senator Rockefeller said the EC’s review of the merger “will
raise serious concerns among Americans about whether this review has
been conducted with fairness and neutrality.”
Mr Rockefeller also wrote that US officials will “explore what might
be the most effective US response if the fairness and openness we
have historically extended to the European aerospace firms is not
being reciprocated.”
Source for material quoted below:
Trading with the Enemy: The
Nazi-American Money Plot, 1933-1949 Charles Higham Format: Hardcover,
277pp. ISBN: 0760700095 Publisher: Barnes and Noble Books
Pub. Date: November 1995 “W.S.S. Rodgers “linked up with the
Rockefeller empire by going into Partnership with Harry D. Collier,
cheerful chairman of Standard Oil Of California and the former Jersey
Standard employee Jimmy Moffett. Rodgers formed Caltex, which jointly
bought up millions of dollars worth of oil from the arabian sea. The
banker was James S. Forrestal of the board of the Nazi General
Aniline and Film,who was about to become Under Secretary of the
Navy. Saudi
Arabia had intricate economic and political links with Hitler. On
June 8th,1939, Khalid Al0-Hud Al Qarqani, royal counselor of Ibn
Saud, was
received by Ribbentrop in Berlin. Ribbentrop expounded to Khalid his
general sympathy toward the arab world and pointed out that Germany
and the arabs were linked by a common foe in the shape of the Jews.
Khalid answered that Ibn Saud attached the greatest importance to
entering into Relations with Germany.Khalid…stressed that the King
hated the British, who Hemmed him in. By contrast, Khalid stated, Ibn
Saud was sympathetic toward Mussolini. The conversation ended with
salaams and Heil Hitlers. At 3:15 p.m. on June 17th,1939, Hitler
received Khalid Al-Hud at the Berghof. The reception was given
worldwide attention. As a result of it Emil Puhl and Walther Funk’s
Reichsbank gave Ibn Saud a credit of one and a half million
Reichsmarks from Hitler’s personal treasury for the purchase of 8,000
rifles, 8 million rounds of ammunition, light anti-aircraft guns,
armored cars, a special Merecedes for the king and The building for a
munitions factory. Soon after ard Emil Phul arranged a further loan
of 6 million marks that was paid in installments for the rest of the
war. “ “On November 28th,1941...the Grand Mufti of Jeruslaem, among
bitterest enemies of the Jews, met with the Fuhrer in Berlin. The
Grand Mufti, with the authorization of the Arab world, expressed his
admiration of Hitler and named the same enemies: the English, the
Jews and the communists. He promised to guarantee assistance in war
acts of sabotage and revolution. He offered to raise the Arab Legion
all available Moslem men of military age”
Senator Rockefeller has become a harsh critic of the liberation of
He joins NBC hassets Chris Matthews, Andrea Mitchell, Phil
Donahue,and many
many other NBC assets, in that harsh criticism of the liberation of
”Bill Clinton to Headline Webb Fundraiser
By Robert Barnes
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, August 16, 2006; 11:58 AM
Webb is a Democrat, running against the incumbent Allen. And Webb’s
campaign said last night that Clinton has agreed to headline a
fundraiser for Webb…Webb’s rough assessment of the Clinton years was
discussed when Webb met with Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) “I
wasn’t in the room, but it seemed to be addressed and done,” she
said, adding that Sen. Clinton had offered her help as well.”
Democrat Jim Webb’s first TV ad shows President Ronald Reagan
speaking at the Naval Academy.
AP: Nancy Reagan objects to campaign ad
Democratic Senate candidate Jim Webb has a television ad ready to
air featuring praise from his late boss Ronald Reagan — and Nancy
Reagan called on him Friday to cancel it.
Webb, who was Reagan’s Navy secretary before Webb switched to the
Democratic Party, uses the ultimate GOP icon to send a sentimental
message to conservatives and moderates courted by his opponent, Sen.
George Allen (news, bio, voting record). The ad is scheduled to
begin airing next week.
But a three-paragraph letter from the former first lady’s office
said the use of footage of Reagan, who died in 2004, is “neither
authorized nor appropriate.”
In a telephone interview, Edwin Meese, attorney general under
Reagan, called use of the footage “improper, unethical and very
possibly illegal. … For him to use video of Ronald Reagan to appear
in a campaign ad to favor him is fraud.”
James Webb positions, source:
· Affirmative action should apply to African-Americans only.
(Sep 2006)
· Opposes constitutional ban of gay marriage. (Jun 2006)
Realign politics by union of Scots-Irish & African Americans. (Jan
Focus on strategic threats like China
supported Robb & Kerry. (Jan 2006)”
”Anti-Tobacco Activist Launches Allen Ni---- Smear
Posted by Dan Riehl on September 25, 2006
Via Salon, Michael Scherer hits Republican Senator George Allen with
the “nigger” smear, even though the vast majority of fellow
teammates from Allen’s college football days do not support the
claim..... “I don’t believe he was insensitive,”
said Paul Ryczek, who played center in Allen’s year before joining
the Atlanta Falcons. “He had no prejudices, biases or anything else.”
In addition to supporting a Democrat through financial
contributions, which Salon acknowledges, evidently Shelton didn’t
tell Salon of his role in starting Tobacco Free For Life.
Why that might matter is because Allen opponents have criticized the
Senator for being friendly to the tobacco lobby. Senator Allen, (R-
VA), has accepted a whopping $33,000 from tobacco political action
committees in just the 2005-2006 election cycle. That’s more than any
other member of congress has taken from the tobacco companies in the
past year.
Tobacco Free for Life (TFL) is a grass roots volunteer coalition of
educators, health care professionals, survivors and victims of
tobacco-related illness, and concerned individuals. Our mission is
to prevent and reduce underage tobacco use through education,
awareness and community efforts on a “cost free” basis to the youth
and community of Henderson County.
TFL started in 1996 by Dr. Ken Shelton of Hendersonville
Radiological Consultants and is currently operating out of an office
on the Pardee Hospital campus. Pardee Hospital Foundation acts as
TFL’s fiscal agent and provides TFL with 501c3 nonprofit status.
Interesting that Shelton claims that an Allen Presidential candidacy
is what made him so suddenly concerned as to begin writing down
recollections several months ago. Exactly how much prodding did his
memory require if this was so significant at the time?
About four months ago, when he heard that Allen was a possible
candidate for president in 2008, Shelton began to write down some of
the negative memories of his former teammate. He provided Salon
excerpts of those notes last week.
With nothing other than anonymous sources to support Shelton’s claim
and the vast majority of relevant individuals contradicting the
story, it might better serve Scherer if he could produce a witness
without a possible political motivation….”
Re the item above, a postscript, we are anti-tobacco. We would like
to see it
banned worldwide. But although we oppose tobacco we can understand
politicians of both parties in tobacco producing states like
Virginia are likely
to be recipients of donations from industries like tobacco in their
states. We
wish this were not so. We would love to see BOTH Senator Allen and
James Webb,
a.k.a. Jim Webb stop using tobacco. But accepting donations from the
industry does not make any politician, in either party, someone who
should be
lied about and smeared with garbage made up out of whole cloth. To
put it
bluntly we do not believe Dr.Shelton’s allegations against Senator
Allen. Do
”I’m not sure where the real Jim Webb is, …”Why doesn’t he just do
the manly thing and retract his statement, admit he was wrong,
rather than trying to come up with these bizarre explainations?”
-VA State Senator Henry Marsh in the Wash Post
”He’s essentially articulated a positon on affirmative action that
almost no one articulates today.”
-Prof Robert D. Holsworth, Virginia Commonwealth University in the
Wash Post
The on again, off again nature of Jim Webb’s statements regarding
affirmative action have caused a restlessness in the black
community. Seven members of the Virginia Legislative Black Caucus
endorsed Webb’s opponent in the Democratic primary. I have come to
share some of the black members publicly articulated concerns
regarding Webb’s conflicting positions on affirmative action.”
”Secretaries of the Navy
WASHINGTON DC 20374-5060
James H. Webb 1 May 1987 - 23 Feb 1988
Former Navy Secretary Virginia US Senate Candidate James Webb has
been a long
time opponent of the liberation of Iraq. When he was Secretary of
the Navy he
urged that the US attack Saddam’s enemy Iran. While we support the
liberation of
both Iraq and Iran, it is clear that the US tilt towards Iraq and
against Iran
in the Iran-Iraq war helped to set Iran on its current anti-American
That tilt was a major mistake. Webb’s role in that tilt as Secretary
of the Navy
during part of the Iran-Iraq war is examined briefly here. Hopefully
those who
are naive enough to think of former Navy Secretary Webb as a
peacemaker will
have their eyes opened by this brief look at some of his history.
Excerpted from Pages 39-40 of SPIDER’S WEB: THE SECRET HISTORY
”In January 1987, as the” (Iran-Iraq)”war entered its seventh year
and the
combined death toll neared one million people, Iran began yet
another major
offensive. This time it pushed deep into Iraqi territory. Saddam
Hussein needed
help-but he also required reassurance from Washington about its
since revelations in the Iran-Contra scandal were now detailing the
U.S. covert
military aid that had been going to his enemy, Iran. From Baghdad’s
point of
view, Washington was either ambivalent or duplicitous.
Thanks to the rival pro-Iraq and pro-Iran factions inside the
government, the
United States had indeed sent out very confusing signals.
Nonetheless, the
secret shipments to Iran paled when compared with the support given
Saddam, and
William Casey led the drive to placate Iraq. He had already met with
Tariq Aziz
at the United Nations to make sure Iraq was happy with the flow of
it was receiving, and he encouraged Aziz to go ahead with more
attacks on
Iranian economic targets.
Then netural ships in the Persian Gulf began coming under attack
from both Iran
and Iraq. Those of oil-rich Kuwait were of particular concern to the
administration. Kuwaiti leaders wanted their oil tankers protected
by either
Moscow of Washington, and in March 1987 top U.S. officials including
Weinberger, George Schultz aand Admiral William Crowe, the chairman
of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, decided to defend Kuwaiti vessels that were
navigating the
Two months later, on May 17th, pro-Iraqi officials such as
Weinberger suffered
an instant case of political whiplash when a U.S. frigate, the
Stark, was
attacked by an Iraqi warplane and thirty-seven Americans on board
killed….The Stark incident underscored the increasingly risky state
of affairs
in the Gulf, and it was followed by a formal announcement from
President Reagan
that the United States would reflag Kuwaiti oil tankers so that the
U.S. Navy
could escort them.”
You can see photos of the USS Stark in the
”May 17 1987, had started out as a routine day in the Persian gulf,
we were to
soon be on patrol escorting the newly flagged Kuwaiti Oil tankers.
Little Did I
know that day would change my life forever .we were always thinking
of The world
and our loved ones back at home, to get this over with do our duty
to our
country .I had just helped Daniel Homicki, move into my old bunk,
and I went on
my last watch ,my commitment to the Navy was up.
What was supposed to be a good last memory for me went horribly
wrong. The
excitement of coming home was over shadowed by an Iraqi attack that
killed 37 of
my shipmates, and wounded many more, I narrowly escaped death myself
by being on
a SH2 Sea sprite helicopter.”
On May 17, 1987, the Oliver Hazard Perry class frigate, USS Stark
(FFG 31) was
hit by two Exocet anti-ship cruise missiles fired by an Iraqi F-1
Mirage fighter
aircraft while operating in the central Persian Gulf. The explosion
of the first
missile caused extensive structural damage and flooding. Combustion
of the
burning propellant of both missiles immediately caused intense fires
to build
throughout the ship. There were 37 deaths and 5 injuries reported as
a result of
the attack.
When the USS Stark (FFG-31) took a hit from a pair of Exocet
missiles in the Persian Gulf in 1987, its port side fire mains ruptured and its
precious supply of A-FFF Foam, which quickly extinguishes Class B oil fires,
became unavailable.
Additionally, the ship’s damage control and fire fighting inventory
did not include many of the important fire fighting and life saving
equipment that ordinary fire fighters ashore use every day.
The Stark incident killed 37 sailors, injured 21 others and caused
$142 million in damage to the ship. The terrorist attack on the USS Cole in 2000
caused similar damage to the port side fire mains…
Missile attack on the Stark ruptured port side fire mains,
inhibiting the crew’s ability to fight the onboard fire”
”USS Stark should be remembered
Submitted by Jagfly, Apr 7, 2006
Hi, I just wanted to say it is a sad thing that you don’t hear much
of this attack. I have often brought it up to people and no one remembers. My
brother was on the USS Stark and he was one of the survivors. All men and women
who serve our country in the name of “freedom” and die doing it should forever
remembered, as it has been with WW1 etc. God bless all who serve our
country.” source:
”On October 12th, 2000 terrorists in a boat laden with explosives
carried out a suicide bombing of the U.S.S. Cole in the harbor at
Aden, Yemen. In what President Clinton described as a “despicable and cowardly
act,” 17 U.S. sailors were killed, and over 30 others were wounded.”
”Iraq has the motivation and the means to actively support the
Islamist networks of the region*** In the past, there have been
intelligence reports of possible cooperation between Iraq and Osama
bin Laden. Iraq has already tried to assassinate President Bush
Senior in 1993, when he visited Kuwait as a private citizen. In the
attack on the USS Cole in Aden (in) October (of 2000), there could
have been an Iraqi connection. Iraq has excellent relations with the
anti-Western Yemeni Islamists of the Army of Aden-Abyan, whose militants have
been arrested by the Yemenite authorities in connection with the attack. Such an
attack required long
preparations, technical and military skills and good operational
intelligence. In addition, the explosive used in the attack was sophisticated, a
”shaped charge” like a torpedo or a missile, a device not in use by terrorist
organizations, and which may have come from a military stockpile.”
The USS Cole was scheduled for duty off Iraq when it was attacked.
You can see photos of the USS Cole in the VICTIMS OF ARAB ATTACKS photo album at
Excerpted from: “CBS Evening News for Wednesday, May 20, 1987
Headline: USS Stark Aftermath
[Navy Secretary James WEBB - denies reports that Stark’s defense
system was
excerpted from: “CBS Evening News for Monday, May 25, 1987
Headline: Memorial Day Abstract: (Studio: Bob Schieffer) Report
(Atlanta, Georgia: Peter Van Sant) Nation’s Memorial Day observances
underscored by recent USS Stark tragedy; details given, scenes
shown. [At
Arlington National Cemetery services, Navy Secretary James WEBB -
Stark crew as well as war casualties.] “source:
the following is excerpted from:” The Stormy Departure of a Navy
Secretary who
veered off course(Washington Post, March 7, 1988) “Webb also
attempted to dispel
concerns over a magazine article he’d written years earlier
entitled “Women
Can’t Fight” by opening more non-combat jobs to women….. Webb”
(told) “a group
of newspaper editors and reporters that he believed the United
States should
respond to Iranian hostilities with strikes that would prevent
aggression rather than hitting small military targets. The United
recently had destroyed Iranian oil platforms used for communications
launching small boats.””Iraq Gives Ultimatum to Syria, Iran
BY ELI LAKE - Staff Reporter of the Sun
September 28, 2006
WASHINGTON — Iraq’s president is issuing an ultimatum to his neighbors: Stop
meddling in my country or we will meddle in yours.
In public interviews and speeches during a recent visit here, Jalal Talabani’s
remarks became sharper toward Iran, Syria.... On September 26, he told National
Public Radio that if interference from Iraq’s neighbors continues, the “Iraqi
people will support the opposition of other countries and try to make troubles
for them as they have for us.”
The threat, which was repeated yesterday on the U.S.-funded al-Hurra
Arabic-language satellite network, marked the first time a top Iraqi politician
has explicitly laid out what will happen if the stream of improvised explosives,
insurgents, and funding for terrorists in Iraq does not end.”
And of course it will not end as long as the Baathist regime is in power in
Damascus, Syria it will seek to return Iraq to Baathist rule, albeit this time
controlled by Syrian Baathists. The lessons learned in the Vietnam war, that we
cannot permit an adversary to launch and support attacks from nearby safe havens
should not be lost on anyone. The Vietnam war was lost because America failed to
liberate North Vietnam. The Iraq war will be lost if America fails to liberate
BOTH Syria and so-called “Iran”, a.k.a. Persia.
The horrific thought of Vice President James Webb, a.k.a. Jim Webb, a heartbeat
from the Presidency under President Hillary Rodham Clinton in 2009, and Webb’s
grand design of allying the US with Syria, should send a chill into the heart of
every patriotic American.
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