From Denial to Recovery

Indeed, many of us now recycle, purchase artificial Christmas trees, stop littering the Nation's freeways and byways, carpool, use 40 watt light bulbs, and have cut back our water use. These same market forces that caused us to change our ways are even bringing about innovation and timely succor to the earth's ozone. It used to be a rare sight to see a hybrid car on the road, but since energy prices started their ascent, automakers are now offering attractive hybrids at affordable prices.
In spite of these positive lifestyle changes, my green friends, who seem to enjoy finger pointing at other, shall we say, "less conscientious" friends for not doing more to lessen their environmental footprint have become arrogantly adept at highlighting the problems, but sorely ineffectual in offering up viable solutions. The problem is, they are deliberately unreasonable when they blindly deny that we need traditional energy sources to sustain our way of life, heat our homes and to keep our economy strong. They spew out old and tired clichés about America's oil dependence with condescending and nauseatingly self-righteous lecturing.
Long unsatisfied with the protests and rallies of the past, these groups have been executing an intense campaign of frivolous lawsuits, political fundraising for sympathetic candidates and resorted to extreme publicity stunts (Greenpeace, Rainforest Action Network, etc.). Even when it comes to renewable energy, they are not completely honest. It seems that each time I agree with them and try to get specific about which alternative energy source we should collectively focus on embracing, I am curtly told there is a problem with this source or that one.
Indulge me for a bit as I list some of the most popular negatives as laid out by the green faction to some of these renewable sources.
It's cheap, unlimited, and reliable right? Well, activists and environmentalists advocates have fought to keep new dams from being built because they argue the nature of hydroelectric systems will often cause the water to take on higher temperatures, lose oxygen content, experience siltation, and cause gains in phosphorus and nitrogen content. As a result, hydropower may have irreversible impacts to natural habitats and thereby reduce fish stock throughout watershed and rivers. And so, they conclude, those working to make hydropower our premiere renewable energy source are swimming upstream.
Bio Mass:
Biomass pollutes the air, causes nauseous smells, and many reject it as a viable option because burning biomass fuels release those nasty greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Plus, it's an expensive source, both in terms of producing the biomass and converting it to alcohols. As a result, they affirm, efforts to have biomass as the renewable energy option that will save our planet have gone up in smoke.
Wind Power:
Who could have a problem with harnessing the wind in order to supply our energy needs? Our green friends of course. Wind power you see, has been found to cause unacceptable rates of raptor mortality and their unsightly presence dotting our public lands have caused a growing number of advocates to join the fight to reduce new windmills from being built. But there's more; Wind power is also relatively expensive to maintain, and the very diffuse source means it requires large numbers of wind generators (and thus large land areas) are required to produce useful amounts of heat or electricity. So according to them it turns out that those advocating for wind power to become an abundant renewable energy source are full of air.
Nuclear Energy:
Where do I even start with this one? When one begins to even mention nuclear energy as a possibility to fix our energy problems, the activists will invoke the human fallibilities that have created the most serious nuclear accidents in history; Chernobyl and Three Mile Island are two classic examples often mentioned as to why we should fight against new plants from being built. Admittedly, it is hard for one to hold up the benefits of nuclear power when the short and long-term biological, genetic and medical dangers associated with the nuclear fuel cycle are thrown in your face with such compelling examples of tragedies and near-misses. There is also the very real problem associated with the storage of long-lived radioactive waste. They then will tell you that those who argue for nuclear energy as an option will only suffer a frustrating meltdown.
Solar Energy:
Admittedly, this is not a problem cited by our green faction. Here the issue is that only areas of the world with lots of sunlight are suitable for solar power generation, and the very diffuse source means low energy production - which means large numbers of solar panels (and thus large land areas) are required to produce useful amounts of energy. Furthermore, the initial cost of a solar panel large enough to provide useful amounts of electricity is very expensive. As a result, very few homeowners or businesses can afford them. Unless solar panels can be made much cheaper, people won't buy them.
But currently, there is an issue regarding the polysilicon supply, the raw material used to produce photovoltaic cells. The shortage has caused prices for polysilicon to more than double over the last two years, which means plans to have the market deliver affordable solar technology anytime soon have fizzled out.
Really, I could go on, but I think you get the picture. No energy source meets their absurdly unrealistic standards of acceptability.
Energy That Falls out of the Sky:
Fortunately for us all, energy, the kind with zero impact to the environment, will soon be falling from the sky to power our washing machines, factories, automobiles, Nintendo video game consoles and our suburban shopping malls. Santo remedio!
Pipe dream you say? You are absolutely right. So if our friends are against nuclear energy, wind power, bio-mass energy, hydropower and solar energy continues to be sold at caviar prices, how then do we meet demand, continue the historic GDP growth, and sustain our way of life?
While we wait for innovation and technology to catch up and meet our energy demand, and while we wait on our green friends to get over their energy denial, the rest of us have been brought to our knees with no relief of energy prices in sight.
There is a better way. We can make smart use of traditional natural resources. To be clear, I am referring to oil and natural gas.
But even here we have self-inflicted wounds. Numerous Federal government restrictions continue to stifle exploration for natural gas in the Rocky Mountain region, and on public lands across Alaska. Oil and gas leases on federal lands are subject to the National Environmental Policy Act, the Clean Water Act, the Clean Air Act, and the Endangered Species Act to name a few.
Our zeal to protect and preserve our planet have caused us to approve policies that have created damaging restrictions to access, crippled our delivery infrastructure, and stifled exploration of oil and natural gas reserves. Copious and often unreasonable lawsuits by environmental groups have thwarted even the most cursory explorations of oil and gas reserves.
Natural Gas:
The country produces 84% of its natural gas domestically, but while 95% of the new power plants will be fueled by clean-burning natural gas, mature basins are declining, and the available supply of natural gas is not meeting the growing demand. To make matters worse, natural gas producers say they have to run their wells harder to stay even--which means digging more but less productive wells.
Then there is the problem of delivery. One thing is to extract the oil, another is to deliver it for processing. State and local governments have made it almost impossible to build new pipeline systems and ships that transport vast amounts of liquefied natural gas (LNG) over the oceans are finding it a challenge to increase the amount of cargo given the limited infrastructure and the number of processing plants (only five in the U.S.).
Compounding the natural gas problem is that almost two-thirds of the world's natural gas reserves can be found in five countries: Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates. In fact, Russia and Iran have almost half the world's natural gas reserves. The other major sources of reserves are found in West Africa and Latin America. Unquestionably, these are all very difficult regions to deal with.
Restrictions on public lands are no small thing mind you. Consider that the Interior Department alone manages more than 500 million acres of public land, or one out of every five acres of U.S. land. These lands account for 30 percent of America's domestic energy production, including 48 percent of geothermal production, 35 percent of natural gas production (25 percent offshore and 10 percent onshore), 35 percent of coal production, 35 percent of oil production (30 percent offshore and 5 percent onshore), 20 percent of wind power, and 17 percent of hydropower.
o In Nevada alone, the Federal Government owns and administers 87% of the state's land.
o The federal government owns and administers 67 percent of Alaska's total acreage.
o The federal government owns and administers about 37 percent of the land in Montana as well.
To be sure, the United States has plenty of natural gas reserves. The government's Energy Information Agency (EIA) believes (conservatively) that there are 1,279.5 trillion cubic feet of recoverable natural gas resources in the United States alone. That is sufficient to take care of America's natural gas demand for fifty to seventy-five years, depending on the growth in demand.
By severely restricting or simply banning drilling access to gas fields in the Rockies, the Arctic, the eastern Gulf, and the Outer Continental Shelf in both the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans, we have artificially created a supply shortage for the country.
A Department of Energy report indicates that over the next 20 years, consumption of natural gas in the United States is projected to grow by more than 50%; while production, if it grows at the rate of the last 10 years, will grow by only 14% (as per the Energy Information Administration). Needless to say, we are headed for a natural gas crisis if we do not take steps to revert the trend.
Energy denial is most acute whenever people start talking about the need to increase domestic production of oil. They claim the amount that can be produced will not be enough to make the United States energy independent. I agree. But that shouldn't stop us from lessening our dependence. Our denial has created a disastrous and bleak energy future.
As domestic oil production has continued its decline, the U.S. had to import 58% of its petroleum needs in 2004 to keep its economy roaring at historical growth levels. These oil imports cost more than $150 billion and it is estimated that Americans lost thousands of high-paying jobs. The price of gasoline has nearly doubled over the last three years because of the escalating price of oil. The cost of turning oil into gasoline has also risen because of costly federal regulations on refinery operations and expansions. No new refineries have been built in the U.S. since the 1970s.
And even though the clamoring for gasoline has been inadequately met thus far by expansions of existing refineries, it has come with considerable difficulty.
As is the case with natural gas, there currently exist strict prohibitions to explore and develop oil reserves on the east and west outer continental shelves of the United States - mainly off the Gulf Coast of Florida and the coast of California.
Today's younger generation wouldn't know it, but back in the late 70's, many experts declared with smug assuredness that 30 billion barrels of oil was all that was left in the ground. My guess is that given the rate of production at the time it probably meant we would be back to burning small logs of wood to heat our homes by the 1990s. Since then, we have pumped out an additional 67 billion barrels of oil. Today, the U.S. Geological Survey estimates that 10 billion barrels are recoverable from one small area alone, enough to increase known domestic reserves by 50 percent. I am of course referring to Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR).
The House and Senate have actually voted to open ANWR in the past, but they have regrettably failed to come to an agreement on one acceptable bill. The Administration came within three votes of opening ANWR for development. But today ANWR remains off-limits to exploration while we take on more imports, oil prices continue spiking to absurd levels as demand continues to grow faster than existing domestic production.
The restricted patch of vast and mostly desolate land is considered by many to be America's single largest untapped source of oil. A new bill, the American-Made Energy Freedom Act (H.R. 5890), would open it to energy development and use the billions in ANWR leasing and royalty revenues to fund alternative energy projects. Moreover, the Act limits production to the 1.5 million-acre coastal plain, leaving 17.5 million of ANWR's 19 million acres untouched. Most importantly, the surface disturbance on the coastal plain is further limited to no more than 2,000 acres.
Below is a listing of by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) that details how oil from ANWR would power each state based on oil potential (10.4 billion barrels*) and petroleum consumption by state using statistics provided by the Energy Information Agency (EIA), the U.S. Dept of the Interior calculated the number of years that ANWR oil would power each state.
State & Number of Years ANWR Oil Would Supply State: | |||
Alabama | 103 | Montana | 342 |
Alaska | 203 | Nebraska | 255 |
Arizona | 108 | Nevada | 226 |
Arkansas | 146 | New Hampshire | 315 |
California | 16 | New Jersey | 46 |
Colorado | 120 | New Mexico | 222 |
Connecticut | 132 | New York | 34 |
Delaware | 399 | North Carolina | 58 |
DC | 1,710 | North Dakota | 399 |
Florida | 29 | Ohio | 43 |
Georgia | 54 | Oklahoma | 97 |
Hawaii | 249 | Oregon | 155 |
Idaho | 363 | Pennsylvania | 39 |
Illinois | 43 | Rhode Island | 570 |
Indiana | 68 | South Carolina | 120 |
Iowa | 132 | South Dakota | 499 |
Kansas | 141 | Tennessee | 80 |
Kentucky | 79 | Texas | 9 |
Louisiana | 36 | Utah | 218 |
Maine | 249 | Vermont | 598 |
Maryland | 100 | Virginia | 62 |
Massachusetts | 75 | Washington | 68 |
Michigan | 52 | West Virginia | 266 |
Minnesota | 84 | Wisconsin | 83 |
Mississippi | 116 | Wyoming | 374 |
Missouri | 77 |
10.4 Billion Barrels of Oil is the mean volume USGS estimates for technically recoverable conventional oil in the entire assessment area of ANWR; including federal lands, native-owned private lands and state-regulated waters.
Bottom line is, the opportunities offered by opening exploration and drilling in ANWR cannot be ignored, we do so at our peril.
Transforming personal commitment and public policy into a healthy, just, and competitive society is essential to sustaining robust economic development in a world of increasing growth and vast opportunities. To that end, Congress should require strict energy conservation, demand investments in technology, promote building nuclear power plants and oil refineries, make hydrogen and fuel cell technology a high priority, and yes, authorize ANWR exploration and drilling. Americans should also drop our energy denial and pass sensible policy that ensures we will have vast and varied sources of energy to heat our homes, sustain our way of life, and keeps our Nation strong.
Daniel Garza is President of Hispanic and PODER Group
Sorry but your ANWR table is completely misleading. If you sum the total consumption numbers for each state (and DC) and divide that figure into the total estimate ANWR numbers you run the country for 1.44 years. So it really doesn't matter if any individual state could run for 100 years -- we don't even get 2 years for the U.S. as a whole -- but we destroy a pristine refugee for ever. Bad tradeoff.
The real numbers are below.
Alabama 103 0.101
Alaska 203 0.051
Arizona 108 0.096
Arkansas 146 0.071
California 16 0.650
Colorado 120 0.087
Connecticut 132 0.079
Delaware 399 0.026
DC 1,710 0.006
Florida 29 0.359
Georgia 54 0.193
Hawaii 249 0.042
Idaho 363 0.029
Illinois 43 0.242
Indiana 68 0.153
Iowa 132 0.079
Kansas 141 0.074
Kentucky 79 0.132
Louisiana 36 0.289
Maine 249 0.042
Maryland 100 0.104
Massachusetts 75 0.139
Michigan 52 0.200
Minnesota 84 0.124
Mississippi 116 0.090
Missouri 77 0.135
Montana 342 0.030
Nebraska 255 0.041
Nevada 226 0.046
New Hampshire 315 0.033
New Jersey 46 0.226
New Mexico 222 0.047
New York 34 0.306
North Carolina 58 0.179
North Dakota 399 0.026
Ohio 43 0.242
Oklahoma 97 0.107
Oregon 155 0.067
Pennsylvania 39 0.267
Rhode Island 570 0.018
South Carolina 120 0.087
South Dakota 499 0.021
Tennessee 80 0.130
Texas 9 1.156
Utah 218 0.048
Vermont 598 0.017
Virginia 62 0.168
Washington 68 0.153
West Virginia 266 0.039
Wisconsin 83 0.125
Wyoming 374 0.028
ANWR/US 1.445
Jim Jenal
Let’s get something straight here; only 8 percent of ANWR’s 19 million acres is being considered for development. And if a major oil discovery is made, the legislation requires that no more than 2,000 acres could be disturbed by production facilities. The 2,000 acre area represents only .01 percent of ANWR's total acreage. For further perspective, the 2,000 acres are equivalent to an area no bigger than an average airport. In fact, this footprint would be 50 times smaller than the Montana ranch owned by Ted Turner, who helps bankroll efforts to keep ANWR off-limits.
“Pristine wilderness” is another of those clichés stuck to ANWR even though it is mostly desolate and bare. Besides, over 60 percent of the official wilderness areas of the U.S. are in Alaska alone (a fact many Alaskans resent). We have shown we can develop oil in the arctic in an environmentally responsible manner. For example, there are six times as many caribou in the Prudhoe Bay oil fields as when oil development began in the 1970's, and based on US Fish and Wildlife Service models, there is a 95 percent chance that impact on Caribou calf survival will be negligible.
The fact is, ANWR has become a symbol, and regrettably way too polarized for a reasonable policy to prevail.
".... desolate and bare" in otherwords,"Pristine Wilderness".
I am an Alaskan, born and raised here, who is completely against opening ANWR. Nothing is done up here in a responsible manner, nor is any oversight given to these ecological disasters perpetrated on this "last frontier".
Three cheers for Alaska!!
I for one appreciate Alaska's contributions to the Nation! Keep it coming..
I am including a great link that gives excellent information on how each state in the union has benifited from oil exploration from our Northernmost State of Alaska.
I'm not exactly sure who the author refers to as "they" above. It appears he wants to imply that all environmentalists are obstructionists to all renewable energy projects. I agree, there are groups that oppose important RE projects for various reasons. Many point out important issues that need to be addressed with developing technologies. And there are always extremist on both sides of an issue. But I've worked with many environmentalist and their organizations that are strongly committed to developing clean, renewable energy systems in responsible ways. "They" also seem to be a bit better at conservation than the "drill and burn" crowd which should entitle "them" to a little more respect than just vague, blanket criticism.
And in regards to plundering ANWR for another consumption fix, I think it's time for someone to check into a detox clinic for chronic energy waste. Why would we want to endanger our precious natural resources before we attempted to raise our fuel effeciency which in itself could save more fuel than we could pump out of ANWR. Expoliting ANWR like this is no different than a junky stealing his mother's jewelry for another fix. But the really serious problem with this approach is once we've drained Alaska and the Gulf, without developing renewables and without raising efficiencies, we then get to look forward to being 100% dependant on foreign sources not to mention we've added that much more greenhouse gas to the atmosphere.
Those of you that have taken the time to slam the responsible exploration and developement of ANRW have never experienced Alaska at its best - see the oil fields of Prudoe and the off shore rigs of Cook Inlet!
Somewhere someone said for whatever reason - seeing is believing! See it. As a retired, born in Alaska Native - I know what the majority of Alaskans want and they have spoken their desire to see responsible exploration and developement of ANRW.
Now you've heard it - go see it!
Over 75% of Alaskan's favor exploration in the 10-02 Area of ANWR. That includes the Inupiat Eskimos of Kaktovik who are ANWR's only residents. Its their own back yard and they want it. They live their, they want it, its their land, they should have it! Unknown to most is the fact that the Gwichin Indians of central Alaska who oppose this, voiciferously leased all their land 3 times for oil and gas exploration to Exxon and Rougot Oil in the 80's. It was only after no commerical oil was found that they turned to environmental groups for funding instead. So much for preserving the caribou as they motor off in their gas powered snowmobiles to blow away a few pristine caribou with high powered well oiled rifles. It would be great if Alaska kept all its oil and sold it abroad for itself, we would then hear the wails of complaints from greenies in the lower 48 moaning about 7$+ gasoline. The green community reeks of hypocricy. Can't have wind because it chops up the birds and is unsightly, can't have solar as it digs up the beaches and covers the earth (totally inefficient anyway), can't have nuclear as its too dangerous, can't have hydro as the poor fishies can't swim....I guess its back to the stone us for us all then. And where are we going to get our paints and plastics and inks and roads and tires and medicines and fertilizers etc. etc. etc etc. The greens simply don't have a clue. Perhaps we should ship them all off to China for some colletive farm re-education. The Chinese at least have got it right, they're drilling off Cuba...touché Floridians! Touché greenies!
"They" are the extremist environmentalist groups that are causing more problems than they are resolving for our environment. A classic case in point is the flood of litigation from these groups that have caused our ESA laws to be deemed broken. A recent DOI press release by Assistant Secretary Craig Manson pointed this problem out.
"The Endangered Species Act is broken. This flood of litigation over critical habitat designation is preventing the Fish and Wildlife Service from protecting new species and reducing its ability to recover plants and animals already listed as threatened or endangered," Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Fish and Wildlife and Parks Craig Manson said. "Imagine an emergency room where lawsuits force the doctors to treat sprained ankles while patients with heart attacks expire in the waiting room and you've got a good picture of our endangered species program right now."
But Manson emphasized that additional funding alone will not solve the long-term problem. "Conserving habitat is essential for endangered species, but critical habitat as mandated by the ESA frustrates that goal," he said. "This is a classic example of good intentions failing the test of reality." Manson noted that two-thirds of the endangered species listing budget is being consumed by court orders and settlement agreements requiring designation of critical habitat for species already on the endangered species list. In most instances, designation of critical habitat provides little additional protection for endangered species.
"This is not a new problem," he said. "The previous administration also testified before Congress that this situation is detrimental to species conservation and needs to be resolved. The ever-increasing number of lawsuits has now brought this problem to a crisis where we are simply out of funds for this year." U.S. Department of the Interior press release May 28, 2003.
Although I also recognize there are many solid conservation groups who have made many positive contributions, and green-based organizations who are dearly passionate about their efforts to protect the environment, many are simply out of control. Their unfettered zeal is causing them to act blindly against responsible energy development. Their proliferation in the past years has stifled the legal system's ability to process legitimate cases effectively and efficiently as pointed out by this one example from DOI. At worst, there are countless despicable cases where they have shown themselves to act out merely for loathsome self-promotion, fundraising and self-righteous exposure for the national media. They have squandered real opportunities to make real contributions by working in collaboration with the government and the private sector to develop new and exciting renewable energy projects, and have chosen instead to be obstructionist and shrill voices of the extreme left.
BTW - Thanx for your thoughtful response. I absolutely agree with your assessment that we should be working to develop renewable energy sources and raise efficiencies.
Estimado Daniel:
Disculpa que mi comentario no tenga que ver con el tema que tan ineresantemente has expuesto.
Quiero felicitarte por tu posición como Presidente de Hispanic y PODER, y también por el talento que tienes para escribir y exponer opiniones que pueden influenciar de manera muy positiva (revise varios blogs). Internet es una excelente herramienta para exponer y debatir; hoy comprobé que también es excelente para localizar a algún amigo al que por alguna razón se le ha "perdido la pista".
Hace unas semanas llamé al último número telefónico que tenía tuyo (OPL at TWH) y me encontré con la sorpresa de que ya no era tu número. Hoy se me ocurrió poner tu nombre en "Google" y llegué hasta aquí.
Ojalá podamos establecer contacto nuevamente, mi correo electrónico es:
Un saludo afectuoso.
Sincera y respetuosamente,
Omar Macías.
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