Thursday, July 27, 2006

A homecoming, of sorts

It's been five years, five long years, since I've been in Colombia. I returned this evening to a country where I had spent 10 of the happiest years of my life, to the country where my children were born, to one of the most beautiful and fascinating places on earth.
I'm told the place has changed a lot-mainly for the better-in my absence (the two have nothing to do with each other, though.)
I flew from Miami to Barranquilla (impo$$ible to get a cheap direct flight today to Bogota) and spent an hour and a half in the airport before my flight to the capital. So easy to go through customs and immigration - no visa required, no bizarre questions that stress me out - and so nice to hear the familiar accent and feel the warm hospitality at every turn.
I whipped out my laptop and it picked up the WiFi right away. (Yes, Colombia has changed.)
As I sipped the best cafe con leche I've had in the last five years, I asked myself why the hell I left in the first place. (Such is my affinity for good coffee..)
I plan to see many old and dear friends while I am here. I want to know how they have been all these long years, how they see Colombia and its future.
Feeling the cold evening air here brings back many memories. Bogotanos are among the most cultured people around.They are wonderful conversationalists because they read, they know their (and other people's) geography and history. They are engaged in the world beyond their borders. I've missed that. I truly have.
But now I am feeling those 2,600 meters closer to the stars (soroche! altitude sickness) so I will call it a night.


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